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I think my trouble with writing this past week was my mood. Each time I had some time to write I just wanted to complain about something, and I complain too much, and often it’s stupid stuff. I haven’t exactly gotten out of the complaining mood, but I have progressed a bit so that my complaining isn’t so stupid.

I’m still getting over my cold, I’ll have this cough all season, maybe even through the winter, it’s just the way things are. This sinus headache that I’ve had for a couple days is because of the cold though, and it’s a bit of a pain, it’s very difficult to focus with a headache. Advil seems to be helping most of the time.

Been working very hard with Zope, the permissions are being a bit of a pain, but I will work through it. And I’m coming to a point where knowing how Python works is becoming vital. I’ve done a number of things that don’t require it, made good progress. But of course with every setback in learning I get frustrated again. I start thinking to myself “I guess I’m not smart enough to learn this” but no, that’s not true, I’ve tackled things harder than this, it just takes time and work. I think in every project I work on I get to the “I HATE THIS I AM DUMB” stage, and that’s what I’m in now. I just need to get past it, quick. So I focus on parts of Zope that aren’t as challenging and come back to the really hard stuff later. I do have a fairly nice presentation put together however, so I can do all the basic stuff.

I spoke with my mother this morning. Like usual she just went on and on about herself and things happening there, I barely got a word in, but that’s alright, I’m not terribly excited to tell my mother all about my life anyway. At one point of the conversation she told me about how my little sister Annette (14) snuck out her bedroom window and went downtown to hang out with her friends. I replied “Yeah, I used to sneak out my window and go to the park” (I was even more of a dork back then, and I really had no life, no friends that I would want to sneak out and see). Apparently my mother was surprised that I had done this, and claimed that she never knew. Huh, I assumed she did. Oh well. She also told me about how her brother (my uncle Dan) showed up at her place recently. He is a truck driver, and had a delivery up in Maine and decided to just drop by unexpected. She hadn’t seen him in nearly 3 years, and was shocked and very pleased that he showed up at her doorstep. I’m happy for her, she really never gets family from out of state (besides me) visiting, I think she needed it. The reason she called was to respond to an email I wrote her last week asking for my Aunt Elaine’s email address or phone number. I need it because she said she might come down for thanksgiving, and I havent heard from her in a while. From what my mother said money is quite tight for her, so I’m pretty sure she won’t be able to make it down, but I’ll give her a call this evening anyway.

Now I’m going to go back to work on stuff. *wanders off*