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laptop, perl, irc server

Well first off, on friday I got some more ram for my laptop. It’s a 512 chip, and it works with my laptop, however the laptop only will see 128 mb of the chip. I pretty much expected this, since all the documentation about my laptop has said “it can take built in 32 + 128” I’m actually quite amazed that it’s even seeing this 512 chip. So we’re looking for cheap 128 mb SODIMM, since it’s silly to waste this nice 512 chip when only 1/4th of it is being used. So far it seems we can get what I want for about $28 on newegg. Maybe for Christmas.

The difference in preformance is amazing. I knew it would be, but I really can *use* my laptop now, it doesn’t take forever for opera to launch, I don’t have to be annoyed by it being noisey because it’s using swap all the time, it’s just so much easier to use. It is ashame that it is limited to 160 mb though, 333 mhz is a fine speed for what I need this laptop for, 160 mb ram is the troublesome limit.

I spent lots of time playing with Cargo yesterday, he’s so great %)

I have mentioned this before, but I have been attempting to go through some “from the beginning” perl tutorials so that I could, and I remembered one of the linuxchix courses about perl. I grabbed all the lessons so far and starrted reading through them and realized a couple things. One, I know more perl than I tend to give myself credit for. Two, this is probably the best, most clear perl tutorial I’ve come across yet! It’s located here, and as the new lessons are released it will be updated. And while you’re there, check out some of the other courses, I have been very impressed with how good they are in most cases.

With my perl knowledge renewed and improved greatly, I think I’m going to try and tackle R2D2‘s irssi script and see if I can make it better, and make more sense. I knew mostly what I was doing when I wrote it originally, but I am sure there are many improvements I could make.

How’s Zope doing? Well good I’d say. I got through the 3rd (of 4) tutorials for TAL (template attribute language), and I think that’s enough knowledge for me to have a good idea what I’m doing with that. I’m very pleased with myself. And I also discovered yet another way to get IE to render text files properly, it’s just another “shove content type down IE’s throat” thing, but it works nicely, and it’s zopeish.

According to netsplit.de we hit 491 users yesterday on irc.xelium.net (it could have been a few more than that, that’s just the highest number when the netsplit.de bot attached). I’d say that’s pretty good! Hopefully we’ll get back to our healthy 500 number in a few weeks.

*wanders off*