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mmm leftovers, packing, preparing to work and party

Thanksgiving was great. We went over to Myk’s mother’s house and spent the holiday with his mother, grandmother, mother’s boyfriend and his son. The dinner was so so so yummie. I’m definately more comfortable around his family now, helped out making the salad and doing dishes. Feeling comfortable is good.

My starting date for working has been moved up to the second, so I’ll be working again beginning tuesday (still at Digital Wave, where I did the other contract work before). I have been using quite a bit of my spare time going over Zope things again and again, and exploring new things that I am unfamiliar with. I won’t know it all of course (and I won’t drive myself crazy thinking that I should), I’m sure being proficient in it takes months, but I am doing well. I won’t be too horribly nervous :) I am excited to be working, this is a great opportunity for me.

We’ve started packing, have to be out of here by the 8th. I’m not terribly excited to be moving, I just wish these things were happening at different times. I’ll be moving, I’ll be working, oh and there is a Philly Chix meeting a couple days after our move is complete. We’ve gotten a lot of the “stuff we don’t need in the next week” packing done today, went through some of my stuff today to see what I want to get rid of (this happens each time I move). I actually had about 9 empty pepsi cans from when they did the episode one promo. I don’t have a full set, what could I possibly want with a few dented cans?

I wonder if there is some sort of treatment for being a packrat, it seriously drives me nuts to throw out things sometimes.

It’s going to be a LONG december. Starting in about a week I won’t be online much for a couple of months, pretty much limited to access at work. That means I won’t be reading all of everyone’s journals anymore, I probably won’t even be posting much (maybe once a week? maybe less?). It’ll be a change, but it’s only for a couple months.

I could probably use a beer.

Were will we be moving? Why won’t I be online much? I’m pulling an “I am not talking about it here.” So please, don’t press the matter further.

Tonight is nice. I’m sitting here on the couch with Myk, we have a fire going in the fireplace, we’re both on our laptops.. ahh so relaxing. And we needed it after all the packing we did today. Myk (the anti-packrat) going through his boxes, I was making many hurried trips to the recycling bin and dumpster before it started pouring out this evening.

Myk also gave me a bit of a crash course in emerge tonight, mostly explaining things in debian terms “and this is like apt-cache search..” so it wasn’t too hard to understand. Why learn Gentoo? My box at work is running Gentoo, and it needs a bunch of things installed and so I’ll need to know how to do that. I do like trying out other distros anyway (Myk has been using it for over a year now), and this is a good way to make me do it, and still come home to my lovely debian boxes %)

So, lan party tomorrow. Should be fun. I really need a break from the worries of moving and working, even if I’ll probably sneak off sometimes to do a little bit of studying. It’ll be nice to hang out with friends.

I guess that’s it, going to snuggle with Myk in front of the fire now %) *wanders off*