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more about zope… it can run on apache!

I was looking around yesterday for more stuff I could do with Zope that would “look neat and impressive” and I discovered DevShed.com’s Zope Section. This is a collection of guides talking about the basics of DTML, to the basic of page templates (which I REALLY need to work on) to getting Zope to work with apache (I’ll get to this in a moment). I’ve been going through the DTML tutorials, which are amazingly well-done, the person writing them really knows how to teach and explain things. The Zope documentation that comes with Zope is good, but they jump right into full examples and while wading through all that sometimes the basics are missed and it’s easy to get confused. So this DTML tutorial I am using now is wonderful, I can just go directly to the DTML function I want to learn about and have it completely spelled out for me.

Now I wasn’t aware until finding this that it was possible to have apache and Zope play together, since Zope runs by default on it’s own ZServer. It’s a very very cool revelation! I am going to go through the tutorial today, and hopefully by the end of the weekend I can have my local apache server playing with Zope… and not too many things broken ;)

I’ve been talking about Zope a lot, but it’s really what I have been focusing on these past few weeks, and I can find little more to talk about %)

I don’t think we’re doing anything terribly exciting this weekend. Maybe grocery shopping, oh boy! Hrm… *wanders off*