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More learning, more people that annoy me, nice rainy weather.

I didn’t say anything yesterday, so I probably should today.

I spent a lot of time today with Zope. Ignored IRC more than usual (by actually making myself not have it open) and focused completely on stuff I needed to work on. I got it playing nicely with MySQL, it’s all pretty neat. I have a revised the page I made, took some notes. I have the basics of the database stuff down I think now, at least as far as querying and returning results. I think tomorrow I’m going to focus on page templates.

In one of the channels I lurk in on xelium I noticed that I really have strong feelings of dislike for a certain person. I don’t really know him that well, but it was just “something about him” that drove me up the wall. It was the same feeling I feel for a couple other people that I have since distanced myself from. It was only today that I realized the connection between these people that I thought I so randomly disliked. They are all the kind of person who will read some news site with message boards, then think they are an expert on a given subject, they will then come into IRC and either bring up the subject themselves or wait for us to talk about it and then they’ll come at us with their opinions and arguements. These are the type of people who take the “Intel vs AMD” fights seriously, and they cannot be pursuaded from their views. In the end of whatever argument if they lose they will just get pissed off and say “whatever” or they will sign off or leave without saying a word. This sort of personality just conflicts with mine so severely that I can’t stand being around these people. Yeah, that’s my big complaint about people for the day.

It’s raining out. It started raining tuesday night. Last night it rained a lot and there was thunder and lightning. I think this weather has cheered me up a lot. When you’re down you don’t want happy summer weather, or happy cheerful music! So I’m feeling good today, and feeling very acomplished.

I can’t think of anything more to write though, and this has been a long enough break. *wanders off to work on things*