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mplayer how-to in french, miserable day, more zope, new shoes.

Today started off nicely. I got two emails about my mplayer how-to, both thanking me for it. One of them was an offer from someone to host a french translation on their website! It was quite flattering. They emailed me back this afternoon with a link to their page: http://ernest.cheska.net/mplayer/mplayer.shtml. Unfortunately for some reason I can’t get to this page from home. I can get to it fine via my shell accounts (looking at it through links) but it always times out from here, how odd. A friend of mine was good enough to take screenshots of the page and send them to me so I could see how it looks. I’m impressed, it puts the poor design of my how-to to shame! Hehe.

I did the email thing, read some stuff, did some more Zope stuff, then went to go empty out the dishwasher and clean up a bit. This is where my day started going badly. I started to get a bloody nose when I was emptying the dishwasher. This in itself isn’t especially notable, I get a few each year, but the timing of this one was weird, I always get them in the springtime or when I have some sort of cold. It’s neither, I felt perfectly fine! It was a pretty bad bloody nose though, made me feel all sick to my stomach. So I didn’t feel so great. I cleaned up the bathroom and then took a bath. When I got back to my computer ssh was all laggy to the server, and then I watched my connection fail completely. It did this about 4 times today long enough for R2D2 to fall off of IRC. It started getting very annoying.

Other stuff happened to annoy me today, but I won’t get into it.

It’s cooler out today, in the 60s, and dark, very cloudy and foggy.

I did manage to get my first Zope page made today. It’s very very basic, but even this much will help me start understanding how it all works, screenshot. This uses hardly any html (only a couple br tags and the beginning and ending html and body tags). It was kind of neat using the DTML to make these, but annoying at the same time, I know HTML! So I kept wanting to use that %) The progress I’m making is still slow, but steady.

bootsOh, I ordered new boots last night. I HATE shopping for shoes more than most shopping (that’s saying a lot). I think it’s because I have big feet (size 10 1/2-11 womens), so they don’t always have good ones that fit me. But after the trip to DC where walking all day made my feet hurt a lot I realized that I needed shoes that weren’t sneakers, but were more comfortable than my boots. Michael now has two pairs of birkenstocks, and he said that they’ve been wonderful. They’re expensive, but I was willing to give them a chance. So we ordered a pair online last night from birkenstockexpress.com. I got some nice girly boots, the Marino. They look nice (and girly, unlike the first ones I looked at). So I think I’ll be happy with them, they should arrive in about 10 days or so.

I’m going to go try and cheer up, and get some more work done now. *wanders off*