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Archive for November, 2003

I hate mondays, To Kill A Mocking Bird, and my laptop

Today has been a stupid day. Not entirely surprising, since it’s a monday, but still frustrating. I spent most of the morning cleaning the apartment, all day doing laundry, and what else? Not much. I can’t seem to focus on one thing for more than a few minutes. Maybe it’s this abnormal weather that’s making […]

A beautiful weekend, and I got to see Brother Bear!

Yesterday was nice. I did some reading, learned some more about Zope, the documentation on it is quite extensive, I’m very pleased, but it also makes it a bit difficult to choose exactly what I want to learn ;) We called a friend of ours to see if he wanted to go out for food, […]

Yesterday, Annette, and a rant about grammar

I got an email back from my cousin Melissa. She gave me the phone number of her friend who needs a website, so I called and left a message. He called me back and said he’d be ready to let me know about his ideas and ask questions he needed to ask sometime next week. […]