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~, real work w/Zope, krumbachs, my new R2 page, froozy themes, cookies, etc.

My home directory is up to two gigs again. I don’t know how this happens, I guess it’s not a serious problem as far as harddrive space is concerned (I have a 40 gig harddrive), but we do nightly backups and it’s a bit of a pain to have to backup stuff that I don’t actually need backed up. I should go through it and make some separate place (/crap) that won’t be backed up nightly. Exciting huh? Oh yeah, I find the most exciting things to write about.

It sucks when tutorials have errors. I guess this is the benefit of relying on books rather than online documentation for projects, the books generally go through more rigorous editing so you don’t learn things the wrong way. *shakes fist at buggy tutorials*

I got my first look at the Zope work I’ll be doing next month, starting on the 3rd (yeah, actual work, in an office, with my own work computer *Yay!*). I am confident that I know enough to be successful, it’s mostly converting some sites from php to zope. I will need to review some of my php knowledge during the break and so that I’m able to READ what I’m porting, but I don’t think it’ll be a problem. There is still more Zope stuff I will need to learn, but I have plenty of time to do that, and I WILL focus on it during this next week!

I got an email from my Uncle Paul today. He found my livejournal through one of his daughter’s livejournals. It was wonderful to hear from him. He’s still working for IBM, which is really cool. It seems they are doing good down there. I’m very happy that I’m finally in contact with my Krumbach-relatives.

Between work with Zope, and continuing to fix up my Perl irssi bot (it’s nearly done being reworked, I’m VERY pleased with how it’s turning out) I squeezed some fun time in and made a page about all my R2 units. I have had this idea for quite some time, since even I end up in the wrong place when sshing into one of my R2s, I can’t imagine someone not using them daily keeping them straight. So now I have a page describing them all:


What else did I do today? Had a fight with Enlightenment! I had the gimp open for something, and when I closed it X exited. I didn’t see any error messages, and assumed that I had hit control alt backspace accidentally or something (it’s possible…). A few minutes later I opened up gimp, edited something, then closed gimp. X exited again, no error messages. It was really odd. I ended up changing the window manager to fluxbox. Gimp exits fine. I logged in with another user into enlightenment, Gimp exits fine. So it was something in my ~/.enlightenment folder. But what? I haven’t changed anything except my background and some keybindings. I eliminated both those as the cause of my problem. Then I changed my theme. Aha! No trouble! It was quite a pain. Why do I go to all this trouble to mention it? It’s just odd, I’ve been using this enlightenment theme for over a year now, and I’ve never had any trouble, it’s one of the reasons I chose to use it. And this was a big waste of time in my afternoon! *grin* I spent over a half hour trying to debug this issue when I really wanted to be working on things. Oh well, I shouldn’t complain, this sort of thing is rare, linux doesn’t have half the problems I encountered on a daily basis with Windows, and in most cases you can’t fix those…

Otherwise I am quite happy with my system. This past weekend Myk installed RAID on his box (which he’s putting on my work machine too, he says it boots up in less than 10 seconds). So he didn’t need to worry about getting his CD-RW working each time he was reworking his system he decided to give it to me and take my regular cd-rom. Now I have a CD-RW! I will need to learn how to use this… and compile support for it into my kernel one of these days. Myk also gave me his amazing sound card with a front plate thing that has lots of knobs and sockets that I don’t know what to do with %) *touches
them* He decided that I should have it since I use my home workstation more than he uses his.

Last night we were sitting on the bed watching the West Wing on Bravo and I decided that I wanted cookies. We ended up driving out to the store to pick up some of that Toll House cookie dough that you just break apart and bake. Also went to Whole Foods and got a carrot cake for thanksgiving tomorrow. Their carrot cake is the best. We got home around 9 and I made up the cookies. Mmmm fresh cookies!

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. We’ll be heading over to Myk’s mother’s house for dinner tomorrow afternoon. It should be a nice day, I want turkey!!! Mmm turkey. His mother also mentioned to me this evening that they’ll have lots of desserts, yay!

Enough about food.

We were invited to a LAN party this weekend. Barry and Rae have the most frequent LAN parties out of all of us, and previously they were just on dial up. Well now they have cable, and a whole network set up (they have wireless too!). So I’ll actually be online when I’m at this lan party! How wonderful! I’m really looking forward to it, we havent done the lan party thing since last May, I kept getting thoughts about getting rid of my poor Windows partition due to lack of use.

Now that’s odd, I just closed gimp and lost X again. GAAH. I’m so glad vim saves things periodically, or all of this would be gone! Ok, I am going to stop using this theme. I wonder what made it break all of a sudden? I will have to do some digging and find out what has changed.

I haven’t written a long long entry like this in a while.

I don’t know what we’ll do for dinner. I really don’t know what I want. *wanders off*