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Yesterday, Annette, and a rant about grammar

I got an email back from my cousin Melissa. She gave me the phone number of her friend who needs a website, so I called and left a message. He called me back and said he’d be ready to let me know about his ideas and ask questions he needed to ask sometime next week. It would be neat if this worked out.

My mother also called last night. I had emailed her the halloween pictures and she had to call and tell me that she would never get used to me with short hair. I guess she liked it though. I guess she’s doing better, she changed anti-depressants and now things are looking up. Annette (14) is doing worse though. She’s a freshman in high school now and is currently on her second 10-day suspension of the year. I have decided that being suspended is dumb, she looks forward to all these days off, and last year the school wa stupid enough to let her move on to the next grade even though she was suspended so often and her grades were horrible. My mother even said “she might be the one who never finishes high school and drops out at 16.” How can she say this? She claims that she is still helping Annette, but even conceding that this is a possibility is a weakness and could hurt Annette if she knew my mother thought it. My mother should be fighting with all the strength she has to make sure Annette stays in school and eventually graduates. I guess Annette is going to be seeing some sort of doctor and possibly put on medication so she can stay focused. My feelings are mixed on this, I am really not around her enough to know if her acting out is just a “normal teenage thing” or an actual medical problem. I’m worried that the doctors just prescribe ADD drugs so often that they don’t even bother making sure that’s the cause, and could potentially be doing more harm than good. It’s just so sad, and there is really nothing I can do about it. *sigh*

We had pizza for dinner, I had a few beers, watched Halloween then some Frankenstein movies (1930s), and we even got two trick or treaters! One was a pop star and the other was a jedi, and since I was dressed up as a witch their mother took a picture while I was handing out candy to them, it was cute. It was a nice Halloween, I fell asleep around 11ish I guess.

I woke up around 3:30 am because I was thirsty (damn beer!). Got some more water, went back to bed and realized I couldn’t fall asleep. So I got up again around 4 and hopped onto IRC. Sent some emails, chatted a bit with the other crazy insomniacs that were up at that time. It wasn’t until around 6 am that I was tired enough to go back to bed. I fell asleep, Cargo kept waking us up because he wanted to play, but I managed to sleep until about 11.

You know what really annoys me? “I could care less.” I’ve heard it said by many people, just recently that exact phrase was said by a character in the West Wing. What is wrong with this phrase? It doesn’t make much sense, the correct phrase is “I couldn’t care less” which makes much more sense. Now everyone stop saying “I could care less” before you make me crazy! Oh, and while I’m at it an acronym is something like “GNU” or “GUI” … not “PHP” or “HTML” those are just abbreviations. Acronyms are always pronouncable words that an abbreviation makes up. Of course I am sure I make grammatical errors often, so this isn’t really an elitist thing, these just bug me.

I’m done now. I dunno what I’ll do today. Probably just read for a while. *wanders off*