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zope on apache, and my day yesterday… mmm brownie sundae

I got zope running on apache this morning, I was having a lot of trouble at first, using this how-to because it says to put certain info in one section of the httpd.conf file, but it really needed to be added in another, after the modules are loaded. Of course it took me a while to figure this out (I feel stupid about that now, since it makes perfect sense). As soon as I got this done I tried to make a page work with php. No luck. I tried a couple methods I could find to get it to work without success. I won’t waste more time with it right now, if it turns out we really need php (I sorta did this as a side project, I don’t even know if php is needed) I’ll push further into it and try to figure it out. I also discovered that the ftp server must be something that works with zserver. So while running on apache it doesn’t have FTP, but again, is FTP needed? If FTP is needed it might just be better to forget apache altogether and stick with the zserver, I can’t really see many advantages at the moment of using apache instead.

In any event, I got it running on apache, and that’s pretty cool.

Yesterday afternoon I spent more time doing Zope stuff, I’m on the last DTML tutorial, and it still impresses me, I understand so much more about how DTML works, and it’s much simpler than I was scaring myself into thinking. I’m pretty confident with my knowledge of it now.

Yesterday afternoon we took the car out for a carwash (carwashes are fun!), then we went out for dinner at Unos, and had pizza with our friend Bob. I had a really nice time, had a couple Guinnesses, ate a yummie brownie dessert. After, we went to the video store and picked up some old movies (Galaxy Quest and Starship Troopers). Came home, Myk and I watched the movies, then I watched some Dr. Who on PBS and went to bed around 12:30. It was a good day.

We really should go grocery shopping today… *wanders off*