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december, freezope, work tomorrow…

-!- You’re now known as PrincesSleigha2
-!- R2D2 is now known as R2einD2eer

It’s December 1st. I had plenty to do today, so it was actually a fast, pleasant, monday.

Got up, packed up some clothes that we won’t need for the rest of the week, packed up some knick-knacks from around the apartment, did laundry. also did more Zope stuff. I was able to get an account at freezope.org. You fill out an application form to get a zope site, and they review it and email you back in a couple days to say if they will allow you to have an account. I spent a bunch of time just drawing from notes and memory to build a basic site so I can feel comfortable building something specific before I go in tomorrow and actually have to do it as a job. I used the same “Ocean” theme as that I used for my “presentation” site for this page. It’s nice to have a public Zope site now, and I actually didn’t completely choke on making a simple, nice design:


We’re supposed to have flurries tonight and tomorrow. YAY!

I also found time today to play with some little christmas scripts for irssi, I wrote them last year actually, but I changed them a bit so they work better. It’s funny looking at them, I have no idea where I got the idea for some of these.

Going to work tomorrow. My posts will be becoming more and more sporadic these next couple of months, moving, working, craziness.