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Happy New Year!

Offline Entry, Posted Jan 21, 2004

It’s New Years Eve, we’re going to head over to Barry and Rae’s for a LAN party soon.

This past weekend we went up to the Poconos. It was a nice short trip, very relaxing %) Got to spend some time by the fire, hang out in the nice mountain air up there. We also got to watch “Pirates of the Caribbean” … which despite good reviews from people who I *thought* had similar tastes in movies as me was quite disappointing, it was just another Disney live-action movie. Not that it was horrible, it was just quite sugary-sweet and predictable. Oh well. In the morning we slept in for a bit, I read for a little while, then we headed out around 1 in the afternoon. Decided to go up to Penn’s Peak (pennspeak.com) for lunch, and unlike last time, we were greatly disappointed in the quality of food %( The clams and pasta I ordered was WAY too salty, I mean, you’d think that would be obvious, since we were on top of a mountain in an almost land-locked state, but hey, they had a lot of seafood on the menu! I thought it would be ok. We left there around 2, got home by 4. The rest of the day was just spent hanging out here, watching some TV and relaxing on our last day of vacation!

Monday was work again. I’m not complaining, except for maybe the waking up at 5 am part ;) This week has been good for work so far, I haven’t been swamped with work, or bored too much. Unfortunately I am getting a taste of what it’s like to be in this business and deal with clients! There is a launch date for this one site, which is fine, I can get all the work done… if I had it! They are promising a great deal of content 2 days before the launch. So while I have a bit of time to putter about right now, I know I’ll be completely buried in work come Monday. At least *I* know that I’m managing my time properly. Still, it’s fun to know I’m working on “real” websites. Oh and getting paid is neat %)

On monday we also went to go see Return Of The King. I wasn’t expecting to go so soon, but around 2:30 Michael messaged me and said “3:50 showing of ROTK tonight?” Oooh! It was great! Of course I do have my problems with it ;) We all know what a huge Christopher Lee fan I am.. and there were no parts with Saruman! AH! I LOVED the scene in the book where Gandalf confronts him in Isengard! I was quite disappointed that they didn’t have that part in the movie %( Maybe they will do it more justice in the extended edition. And of course the ending… the Shire was untouched when they went back! Gaah. It annoyed me a little, since people watching this without knowing about the books will think that the Shire stayed untouched, which is untrue, and it was important that it was untrue! All of middle earth was influenced by the attack from Mordor. I do understand WHY they took it out, besides making the movie an hour longer it would have ruined it as a popular entertainment thing, the climax of the movie had come, there was no room for final battles. But maybe they could have shown the hobbits doing repairs and maybe a story or two about the villians that invaded, just to show they weren’t untouched. Oh and Arwen still bothers me, but Ewoyn kicks ass! Now I get to talk to everyone in IRC all about it, which is entertaining, and I get to use all that LOTR knowledge that I’ve been storing in my head for so many years unused.

Today was a good day. I got to bed around 9:30 last night, so I woke up somewhat refreshed, I was able to stay focused all day, and I’m not falling asleep right now ;) I even had time to take a few breaks and hop onto IRC to see how everyone was. Got to talk to escapenguin for a little bit, actually saw Yeas for the first time in WEEKS (well, he’s been gone too!). And ice.xelium.net, the HUB of the xelium network decided to go down too, so I got to play IRCop for a bit until that was fixed. Mostly Tech took care of the problem though, he jumped in to get all the servers hooked up to deep13, he sent out global messages. I’m so proud of him %) and I’m SO glad we made him an IRCo
p again, I wouldn’t have had the time today to do all of that. Oh and he’s 14, 14! My little sister is 14 and she can barely use a calculator *sigh* I do miss being online so much, but this limited access does mean I don’t get *too* lonely %) I notice that I am feeling a bit isolated though, not having the time to even peek at people’s journals and stuff right now, I miss that. I hope everyone’s doing ok %)

So a LAN party tonight. While I was packing up to go, some of the guys were sitting down on the couches (which are in front of my desk) and one of the owners of the company asked me if we had plans for tonight. I said we were going to a LAN party and he laughed and called me a “Super Techno Dweeb” hehe! I smiled and said “Thanks!” I was quickly assured by another boss that it WAS a compliment %) Strangely, I don’t think I’m too much in the mood for games. Well, unless it’s UT, it’s difficult to find a time when I won’t be excited to play UT. That’s fine though, I’m packing up this laptop too so I can hop on their lovely cable connection and do some updates, install some packages that I don’t have for whatever annoying reason, do some updates. And most of all I get to see my friends! It’s going to be a fun social gathering on New Years Eve. We’re not going to drink though, we’re out of beer, and I’m not really interested in getting smashed on hard liquor. Besides, the hosts don’t drink, and I’ve always felt a bit weird drinking when there are a lot of people abstaining, especially the hosts.. that’s why I make sure to drink lots when I host! Hehehe.

I’m in a great mood. Things are going good for us, 2004 you will be a good year! *packs up the computers and heads off*