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Work and Open Source woes.

Today was my second day of work.

I’ve certainly been busy, I’ll be working full time there until the end of the year, after which they will review all the upcoming work and see if they actually want to bring me onboard as a full time person. A real job! That would be great. No, I’m not getting my hopes too amazingly high right now, even if I were brilliant they couldn’t bring me on unless there really is work for me to do. I really hope it works out.

I have started to learn a bit about my perfect challenging level, I could never be part of a profession that is high stress. But what I’m doing now with Zope is very good. I get stumped, I get frustrated (like I was for a bit this morning), but then I figure things out and it feels really good to dive into work and make amazing headway (like this afternoon, when I FINALLY found a solution). In addition to learning more about myself, even in just two days of steady work, I learned some other things:

– PostgreSQL is evil and my first impressions have almost made me cry. I am familiar with basic sql statements, what is this strangeness that Postgres uses? I will need to find more documentation

– Speaking of which, I finally know what people have been screaming about when talking about open source documentation. Maybe it does exist, but it’s sparse, often out-dated, and you have to resort to wading through YEARS of mailing list archives to find most solutions (that’s where I found a solution to my problem this morning).

– I also know what people have been screaming about when it comes to open source scripting. Some things in DTML just don’t make sense at all to me, so obscure and insane. Maybe they make sense to python people (zope runs on python), but I’m not a python person!

Yeah, that was my day.

I’m happy though, it’s very nice to be working.

Hmm… I didn’t even look in irc today, I must have an interestingly high idle time right now.

Myk’s home with dinner (Indian food, mmm!). I’m going to eat. *wanders off*