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my weekend, getting ready for the purchase and move into our house, bad moods…

It’s been a long week, I can’t believe it’s only wednesday.

This past weekend was fairly uneventful. Friday night we decieded to head out to the Drafting Room in Exton. It wasn’t the best experience there I’ve ever had, learned that they took my favorite chicken sandwich in the world off the menu! Ah! And we should probably plan to go on less busy nights, while the service wasn’t bad the food had “less love” than I’m used to from them. A nice evening anyway, got to have some yummie lambic, even some peche lindenmen’s on the tap! Mmm!

We went to Sam’s Club, a big bulk food store, with Michael’s mother on saturday, with the plan of “getting cleaning supplies and stuff for the house.” I remembered quickly once we arrived there that I really don’t like shopping, and I mostly hate people. Nothing like a huge discount store to remind you of those things! Smelly people everywhere, quickly grabbing up all the canned cheese whiz and bulk ramen then can find. It was a little scary. Still, we purchased some things we needed for the new house, and after about an hour there we were finally able to escape. I guess it was worth it %)

Afterwards we headed over to Sears in Willow Grove to pick up some vaccuum bags and check out appliances, while we were there we decided to look at coffee grinders, and unfortunately all they had were cheap plastic ones. So we left there without buying one. On the way to North Wales to get hair cuts we passed a Starbucks and we decided to stop to see if they had coffee grinders. The only one they had was similar to the plastic ones, but was metal and a little more expensive, about $30. So we decided to buy it. Yay a new coffee grinder! No more using the blender to grind beans! (which actually worked pretty well, but it’s big and a pain to clean each time we use it).

Sunday I didn’t really do anything, at least, I don’t remember doing anything, so it probably wasn’t important.

Monday we went to work, I wasn’t in the greatest mood, and my neck hurt. I haven’t been in a good mood all week. And on top of it, there was snow outside, we had to shovel and throw down salt for nearly a half hour before leaving for work, before having coffee! Once at work I got some things done, a couple hours of actual work. When I got home I was miserable, in a horribly crankie mood, I even excused myself from dinner early because I just didn’t want to be around anyone, I didn’t want to partake in conversation, and I really can’t stand people seeing me in a bad mood %) I went to bed fairly early because I didn’t want to be awake anymore.

Tuesday was similar, I didn’t want to be awake, and my neck hurt. I went into work, had a few hours of work to do. I learned yesterday the true meaning of “I’m sick of this” … one project has driven me so crazy that I nearly feel ill when I think of making more edits to it, I’m so sick of it! At the end of the day I asked the guy who generally gives me my tasks if he needed me today and he said that there wasn’t much work, and it would probably be best to just come in on friday so I could do it then. Cool. We left work a bit early, a little after 2, and headed over to our house. There we met with our real estate agent and did the last inspection before closing. Basically we just had to go through the house, make sure everything was in it’s proper place, make sure everything was working (the house had been “winterized” and they had just turned the water back on earlier in the day). Everything looked fine. It was nice to get up there again, I had only been inside the house once, when we first decided to buy it. We took a second look at the washer and dryer and made the decision to just stick with them until they die, set aside some money now into some sort of “appliance fund” so we’re not left high and dry when they do decide to die. I’m also expecting to have to replace the stove/oven soon, since it’s looking a bit old. The dishwasher and ‘fridge look great. We left the house around 4, just as the freezing rain was starting to come down. We had boca pizzas for dinn
er, and after talking a bit about broadband options I decided to head up to the bedroom early and just zone out and watch Nova.

Broadband… it seems that we can’t get speakeasy, which had some kickass plans. We’re going to go with verizon through dca.net (they are “DSL partners”). We’re going with the best residential plan 1.5 down, 384 up. While it’s not as good as speakeasy, at least we can get *some* DSL service, any broadband is better than Comcast! So that’s all ready to go, we’ve got our phone service lined up too and a new phone number. It’s all going nicely.

So today I’m at home. It’s very snowy out! But Michael made it to work alright. I got up around 8, puttered around the house for a while, decided to make some chocolate chip cookies because the chocolate chips were sitting on the counter. I haven’t been in a good mood today really, but the baking helped, and I didn’t screw them up completely this time! After making them I did some vaccuuming, cleaned out the fireplace, went outside to put more salt outside. All sorts of fun stuff. I think this solitary day off was good for me.

Once we get into the new house I’ll feel better.

Tomorrow Michael and I are off of work. We head to Lansdale around 11 to sign all the papers to officially buy our house! I’m excited, but harboring a bit of worry of course ;) Moving from apartment life to owning a home is pretty scary, no more just calling maintenence guys when something breaks! More worrying about the roof collapsing! But people do this everyday, I shouldn’t be too worried. Of course there is the move still to go, I swear, if it snows again on our moving day I’m going to cry %)

I had all sorts of ideas for other things to write, but now I forgot. *wanders off*