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This week was probably one of the worst I’ve had in a very long time.

Offline Entry, Posted Jan 21, 2004

Hmm, I went online and posted an entry about it already. Long days, a lot of stress, bad news concerning my health, it’s just been a mess.

Friday night we ended up staying at work until nearly 11 because Michael had so much work to do. People were coming to him all day with new projects that they wanted him to get done that day, on top of the other stuff he already had to do. My day actually wasn’t bad at all, I did a lot of basic html work which was perfect for how numb my brain was from the whole week %) and I had a bit of time online with my friends, got to update my website in a few places. For dinner we left work for a little while and went to our favorite Chinese place, Natural Village. I ordered “Phoenix and Dragon Fly Together” which was a yummie chicken and shrimp dish, but I ordered the vegan one, so no meat! I was very impressed again, the vegan shrimp really had a shrimpy taste! I keep being impressed by that place %)

I was exhausted when we finally did go home. Slept until about noon on Saturday morning.

When I got up on Saturday morning I took a shower and in the mid afternoon we headed up to Michael’s friend Bill’s house. Bill has a farm, but it’s more of a hobby farm, which is very cool. They have 4 buildings that I could see, three sheep, a few chickens, and 20 acres of land. It’s the “someday when I have enough money for my dream house” House. He’s go so much cool stuff %) He was having a little get together with a lot of his friends, so it was pretty busy and there were people everywhere. It was fun though, even if I was horribly shy. Bill and his wife are excellent hosts, very nice people, and of course there was lots of yummie food!

We ended up leaving around 9. On the way up we learned that he lived off of route 29, our new house is off of 29 too! So we decided to drive down 29 to see how far we’d be. Turns out it was only about 20 minutes, cool. We then decided to try and take 63 part of the way home, just because I was curious as to how far exactly our place was to Lansdale via 63. Well it ended up being quite a long ride home when we were done with it %) but it was worth it, I have a better idea of how the area is set up, and can now cross 63 off my list of commute routes! Ugh. Depending on traffic we’re really starting to think taking the northeast extention of the turnpike on our commute will be the best, even if it is 90 cents each way. Maybe we should get an EZ-Pass.

There is some cool news this week though. Sam, the woman I started the Philly Chix with, recently purchased philly-chix.org! Yay %) Michael is going to set up all the stuff on our side so that I can still host it, and we’re going to buy phillychix.org as well, probably sometime this week, so we’ll have both pointing to the site (this way we won’t have to worry about some pr0n site grabbing one of them). So finally we’re going to have a cool domain for the Philly Chix. Speaking of which, the next meeting of the Philly Chix is this week, on thursday. We’ll probably take the train from Glenside down into the city. Should be fun, and hopefully by then we will have the new site URL up and running %)

Have I mentioned that I recently found the Swenksville website? Well it’s horrible %) It seems that it’s hosted on some free ISP website, which is so sad! And the design could use quite a bit of work as well. If I were in a position to redo the site with them with a good domain name I would, but we really can’t afford to host another site right now. The site is very cool though, a lot of older photographs of the town from the early 20th century, and even a whole town history! I grabbed the town history as soon as I saw it and printed it out (all 11 pages). I read it last night, and it was so cool %) The original European settlers there were from Germany, George Washington stayed in the area once during the Revolutionary war, the borough was incorporated in 1903, originally there was a copper mine owned by the English, and a variety of interestin
g little tidbits and “we don’t know if this is true or not, but the story says..” sections. It was very interesting reading, even if I’m not really familiar enough with the “Families Of The Area” to understand some of the implied amusement in some sections. I also learned from this that the library in town is all volunteer, heeey I want to work at a library! I think that would be a cool volunteer job if they need the help, I could do that between contract jobs. I love history.

Today, well I said at the party last night that I was going to sleep all day (to which Bob replied “It’s good to have plans” hehehe), but I did actually need to get up so that I could get some sleep tonight. I guess we aren’t going to do anything. Michael mentioned that he might want to light a fire in the fireplace, that would be nice to snuggly by with a book or laptop %) I need to do some laundry too. I’ll find ways to occupy myself. It should be a nice relaxing day.

Not sure how much I’ll work this week, the two big projects I was brought on for in December are both at a point where I can do little more for them. I am sure I could find a way to occupy all my time if I do end up having to stay home, but I’d almost rather come into work with no work than stay here sans internet access. *shrugs* We’ll see.