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Mailmen, touchpads, and a fellow who can’t RTFM.

I finally have a mailman who PICKS UP mail!

Back when I lived in Maine the mailman always would pick up mail if you had the flag up, I assumed this was half of his job. When I moved to upstate New York I quickly became used to never having the mailman pick up my mail. At first I thought it was just that mailman, but it was like that in a few towns I lived in. Then I moved to the apartment complex in North Wales, PA. Same thing, mailmen who expect you to use the big blue mailboxes. It was always such a pain to drop it off in the big blue boxes. But now we have a mailman who will pick up our mail at our house, it’s so wonderful %)

I had the day off from work yesterday. Spent the time doing cleaning and putting my toys and books on the bookshelves. I think I’m happy with it. I also experimented a bit with ways of putting up my still packaged Star Wars toys. This computer room is looking much better now %)

I’ve been on my laptop the past couple days. R2D2 is sort of dead right now. Michael put his cd-rw in it a couple months back so I could burn things on my computer, and it’s always acted a little funny. First it wouldn’t boot off a WinXP disk, then it started being really loud, and the other day it decided to stop working. Might be something as simple as a loose wire, but I’m not opening it up… it’s wintertime, which means that I’m the static electricity queen! So since that doesnt work it would have been more difficult to install an OS on it. I was sort of in the process of switching from debian to gentoo. So we’ll have to look at that this weekend and find out what the trouble is, and if I should order another drive.

Using my laptop so much for normal daily stuff made me remember some of the annoying things it does. The speed (333 mhz) doesn’t really bother me, and it’s got 160mb of ram now so it runs nicely, but it’s querky. Fluxbox in debian stable has focusing issues, especially with opera when I’m opening a new window. And my stupid touchpad, arrgg… I thought turning off the touchpad would be a simple bios option, but it’s not. I did some google searches yesterday afternoon with little luck, there are a few things I can try, a kernel patch that’s out there that works with a config tool *shrugs* I also discovered that all the sensitivity was a flaw in many of the touchpads of this era, which apparently is what mostly spurred on the development of config tools for it to decrease senstivity. I just had so many other things I wanted to do yesterday while I was home I really didn’t have time to mess with it as much as I wanted to. For the time being I TOTALLY HACKED IT by putting a post-it note over it. Someday I’ll get used to laptop hardware.

In other news, our “friend” bluefox83 of #13thHour finally crossed the line with me this morning. I’ve honestly tried to be tolerant of his existance there, but there are things he does constantly to annoy all of us. I think the most harmful is his tendancy to give computer advice even when he has no clue what he’s talking about. I really take pride in the fact that people can come to #13thHour and be helped in the right direction, and I appreciate being able to go there myself when I have problems, but his misleading statements and uninformed answers tend to be detrimental to that. The most *annoying* habit he has is refusing to RTFM. He’s trying to use Debian, and he just can’t read documentation, this is a problem. As much as I love Debian, and linux on a whole, if you are going to be doing a lot of work in it you really need to be the kind of person who can wade through documentation. I’ve given him many links and how-to’s for linux that would help him understand the basics that he seems unable to grasp. Instead of reading this he chooses to bother people in the channel for answers, and then complain that we’re ignoring him if we don’t answer. So this morning when he started asking about installing mplayer I foolishly tried to help: the log. Those of you not familiar with situati
ons with such users may get the wrong idea about me from this, I’m really not as bitchy as this makes me seem, he just brings out the worst in me. Those of you familiar with this particular user are probably wondering why we didn’t kick him out sooner %)

*Yawn* I’m going to go eat some breakfast now. *wanders off*