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Archive for February, 2004

playing with access.log, looking for mplayer mirrors, updated website, philly chix meeting.

I was looking through my access logs this morning because I had some time and it’s a fun, relaxing thing to do on a friday morning, and it is a healthy habit. I discovered something very surprising about my Debian MPlayer How-To: (elizabeth@r2q5) /var/log/apache $ grep “GET /MPlayer.html” access.log | wc -l 676 Nice. That […]

Runes and my new desk!

I took a day off yesterday. Early in the morning a guy came out to take a look at our oil boiler, it’s old and will need to be replaced sometime in the next couple of years. That’s ok though, we’ve begun looking at our heating options (oil vs. natural gas), and it’ll be nice […]

depression, repairs, sifting through my boxes of stuff, searching for a new desk, hard water…

I’m too hard on myself. I have known this for a long time, it’s always been this way, but it does lead to problems. I stress out too much over things, I think about them too much, and then when things do go wrong I tend to worry that it’s my fault until I’m assured […]

Stupid dumb everything… it’s been one of those days.

I hate Verizon. Around the 27th of January, Michael called Verizon about getting phone service to our new house. By closing on the 29th our new phone line was all hooked up and working. Around the 28th we contacted DCA.net so they could put in a request to get our DSL line from Verizon. On […]

So I went to make french fries last night. I turned on the oven to heat it up and when I had the french fries ready to go in about 10 minutes later I opened the oven to put them in, it was cold. Gahh! I can hear the gas being turned on, but it’s […]

The closing, the move, and the joys of home ownership!

Well my last entry was brief, so here’s what’s happened since my last real post. Wednesday I took the day off from work since there wasn’t much for me to do. I didn’t do much that day, slept in a little, surfed the web for a while, made some cookies, I was mostly depressed all […]