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Spontaneous Crystallization

Tonight I was sitting at my desk with my laptop, chatting in IRC and surfing the web, and I heard a loud bang from downstairs.

It sort of sounded like someone had knocked on the door really hard, and I thought maybe Michael had come home and needed me to unlock the door because he was carrying so much. So I ran downstairs and to the front door. No one out there. I looked out the windows, no footprints in the snow, so no one else was around. I then started walking from room to room to figure out what could have fallen to make that noise. Everything seemed in it’s place. Then I got to the laundry room and heard a popping noise. I turned on the light, hoping it wasn’t some horrible water leak or something. Nothing.

I followed the noise into the bathroom and turned on the light.

We have two glass doors on the shower and one was completely shattered. They require tempered glass for shower doors (I learned this through a later google search), so that the glass will stay in the frame even when it’s shattered. There the glass was, in the frame, in hundreds of little pieces. Last I checked it was still cracking, an hour later.

I mentioned this in IRC, and there were all sorts of theories, sudden change in temperature in the room, change of air pressure, “Magic Hammers” (I don’t know either, something about gnomes wielding them), and of course Syntopicon’s theory of spontaneous crystallization. I’m not sure what the real cause was.

In any event, we now have a broken door on our shower. Of course this happens on a night when Michael is working late (he’s still not home and it’s just after 10) so heading out to the Home Depot is out of the question. For now I taped up some garbage bags. I’ll take some measurements of the door when I get the tape measure so we can hopefully get a replacement very soon. Ugh.

I love owning a house, but times like these make my head ache %) *wanders off*