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Touchpad fixed! IRC servers, and my article published on ufology.org.uk

My laptop touchpad is all better now! Michael helped me sort out the ancient documentation for tpconfig to figure out what exactly I needed from the kernel for it to work properly. So tpconfig installed easily from apt, and then a recompile of my kernel so that the proper option was selected (since it was a custom kernel A LOT was shut off). And now when I boot up it runs the command to disable the tap-click, which solves all my problems with it. This way I can still use the touchpad, but it doesn’t randomly click while I’m typing. Yay! Thanks Michael %D! As for the focusing issue with fluxbox, it’s not as bad as it was last week, and I decided that I can just deal with it. I haven’t really found any better window managers in apt for a system such as this one, and I’m already so used to fluxbox. I’m way happy with this laptop, except for the dongle… *shakes fist at the often loose dongle*

The irc.mircx.com servers shut down this weekend (details). I don’t chat there, and actually don’t know a lot of people who do, but it was brought to my attention by a few people as a “great way to get new channels and users.” I decided against it. The reason it was taken down was because of attacks, and a guy I know from another server explained the situation now very well:

-$friend- god, i hate irc
-$friend- mircx dies so we might get users
-$friend- but then everyone moves to rizon
-$friend- but then rizon sucks and a few servers go down
-$friend- so then everyone moves to efnet
-$friend- now people are ddosing efnet’s main hub

Do we want to be any part of that? No! I’m happy with our network, it’s had 400-550 users for a couple months now and that’s a nice stable number. If new people want to come to the server that’s great, but I’m not going to go out advertising the server to gain users and draw attention to ourselves. Ah the joys of running an irc server.

I didn’t go to work today, and an email this evening tells me I am not needed tomorrow either. Oh well, there is plenty I have to do here at home. It feels really great being online at home again with a stable box to depend on. My bots are back home, which means they are logging and generating ircstats for a few channels (#13thHour, #andor, and #starwars), and I use crontab to scp them up to the server. I was also able to use the php from the idle rpg site to make a much nicer site for #null, the idlerpg on xelium. It felt good to get a bunch of this stuff done, finally some time to work on these computer things that are important to me %)

Other good news, I was contacted by the admin for ufology.org.uk a while back about possibly re-publishing an article of mine on his website that’s currently on my website. I thought it was cool but he never got back to me. Well tonight he did! To confirm that it was alright. And now I have it up on a popular ufology site here. I wrote it a few years ago, so my grammar makes me blush at times, but I’m happy that it’ll get some exposure now.

It’s getting late and there are brownies downstairs calling my name, I will go now. *wanders off*