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Your system is too SLOW to play this!

I decided to try and install mplayer on my laptop. The install went flawlessly, although the compile of mplayer took about 45 minutes, gah! It only took about 2 minutes on my 2.0 ghz home computer. I wanted to do the install because a friend of mine was sending me some older Nova episodes that I was interested in seeing. And I guess I really wanted to have a way to keep my debian mplayer how-to alive! With my primary workstation moving to gentoo this laptop would be the only non-server in the house I’d get to test on. Well after installing it I tried to run it, it was so choppy! And no matter what I play I get:

**** Your system is too SLOW to play this! ****

Sigh. I should have expected that. My poor little laptop!

I did a couple hours of work from home yesterday. It’s nice working from home, but working on my laptop is definately limiting. The resolution itself is enough to make it frustrating. But this laptop has been quite good to me these past couple of weeks *hugs it*

I did go into work today, was able to do work for about 6 hours, yay! We’re converting one of the sites made recently completely into divs defined through css, and it’s quite a learning experience for everyone involved. Tables weren’t really designed to be entire page formatting tools, but they sort of turned into that as the net developed, but now more and more sites are getting away from them because they’re such a nightmare to maintain. Well it looks like I need some practice, I’m quite unfamiliar with divs, and the css involved with putting them together to form the layout of a page. I have no clue how links or lynx will handle the divs. So I decided to redo the front page of princessleia.com. If it looks like crap then I just won’t use it, but it’ll be a wonderful learning excercise. I’ll probably start this weekend, and work into next week if I have to. There is this awsome CSS book at work that I’m going to see if I can borrow for a few days.

Next week. My manager guy is on vacation so he won’t be around to give me work. That means I won’t really have any work so I am going to stay home all week. He said that whoever is handling the content updates might send me a few things to work on from home.

We went to the Home Depot and went looking for a replacement door. We ended up just buying a whole new set of doors for the shower. It’s much nicer than the cheap one we used to have. So Michael has been working on putting it up this evening. This weekend he’s going to do some re-caulking work that needs to be done. Of course we had planned on doing all this since the job done on it wasn’t very good, we just didn’t expect to have to do it so soon.

I just realized that the shirt I’ve worn all day is on backwards. Luckily you can’t really tell, but I sure feel silly.

Man, I’m tired. *wanders off*