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Arr, where’s me grog?! scummvm rocks… the new xchat and opera don’t.

Did more cleaning with that wonderful Lime Out (I said Lime Away before, but I was mistaken). Last night Michael did some great work with it on the bathroom sink and the showerhead. This morning I did the sink again when he said it might need it again, and it looks really nice! All that yucky mineral buildup was gone, no need to replace any of the faucent afterall! Yay!

After cleaning I decided to have some fun with programs. Now that I’m using Gentoo instead of Debian stable, I can play around with many more newer packages! I thought I’d try the Diablo 2 install with wine again. It was more successful than my first attempt, I actually got through the install! But after all that work it wouldn’t see my dvd drive when I started up the game, so it could see the play disk it needs to start. Sigh. I tried a no-cd crack, but then it wouldn’t even try to launch. I can probably play around with it more to figure it out, but for now I’ve given up again.

So I decided to install scummvm. Some friends in #goddess told me about it a few months back, and of course there is a version of it in emerge.

* games-engines/scummvm
Latest version available: 0.5.1
Latest version installed: 0.5.1
Size of downloaded files: 1,122 kB
Homepage: http://scummvm.sourceforge.net/
Description: Reimplementation of the SCUMM game engine used in Lucasarts adventures
License: GPL-2

This means I can play The Secret of Monkey Island! Ok, so it’s a very old game that I first played on my 486, but I love the Monkey Island games. They are so amazingly full of puns. I nearly died laughing when I played the PS2 game released a couple years back. I love this stuff. Well I finished this game a long time ago, and I thought it might be fun to try again since I’ve forgotton most of it, and hey, it’s a great old game!

Leave us to our grog

Yah grog!!!

Today I was sitting in #13thHour and Michael pasted a screenshot where he uses nickcolor.pl in irssi. This colorizes the nicknames in the channel. I recalled xchat having a similar function, but when I asked Peacimowen he denied that there was one. Hrm. So I dug up an old screenshot from early 2002 which certainly uses it. Would they really take it out of later versions? Skeptical, I installed xchat2. Much to my surprise I couldn’t find the option anywhere in the options! How horrible of them! On top of that I’m really not at all happy with xchat2, they slimmed it down a lot and took out all sorts of things, what were they thinking? Screenshot.

Which reminds me, earlier this week I installed Opera 7.23 (I’ve just been using Mozilla lately). It’s horrible. The whole lure of old opera (circa 6) was that you could have a quick, slim browser that did just the basics, but did them well. I don’t need it to support java, or even flash, I just want basics on slower machines. The first time I opened up Opera 7.23 it choked up so bad that my window manager began to crawl while I browsed, this is Enlightenment on a 2.0ghz machine with 512mb ram, it’s not a bad box! I really couldn’t believe it. escapenguin mentioned that it might be because it tries to load the whole page before displaying. Bleh. I’m glad I installed 6.03 on my laptop. RIP Opera, you served me well for so many years!

Going to make dinner now. Boca pizzas I think. *wanders off*