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Computers are neat and I got to go to the library %)

ssh -X is so wonderful. Of course I’ve known about it and used it before, but today I was really able to utilize it for work purposes. I’m able to do just about everything I can at work here at home. So today, even though I’m on my old laptop, I really had no trouble doing the few hours of work I was sent. Yay! This is so much better than going into work for 9 hours and only working for 3.

I’d never done a Gentoo install before, I yesterday I started one. Well I think I can be comfortable in the fact that I was successful with the Gentoo specific elements of the install, Michael helped me out with the kernel, and lilo is now being crankie. I’m taking a break from figuring out the problem, I’m sure it’s something silly I’m just not seeing. If not I can always try grub.

It’s been really nice out these past couple of days, for the second day in a row we have the windows open. It feels really good to be able to air this place out, before moving in it was completely closed up and not lived in for about 3 months. Even having us living here for a month hasn’t completely aired it out.

I’m not getting headaches much anymore. For a long time while living at the apartment in North Wales, I’d get headaches that I’d try to explain away as allergies, or being dehydrated, or just being tired, but now that I’m living here I realize that’s really not the case. I have a feeling the change in heating has made a dramatic difference. We no longer have the electric forced air heat, we now have oil heat that uses these big radiators, so it isn’t nearly as dry in here. I actually feel really healthy %)

I finally walked up to the library in town yesterday. The walk up there was interesting, you get to see so much more when you walk instead of drive. It was able to notice how old Schwenksville is. Not just old, but falling apart, mainstreet (which really is the only Main Street in town, remember pop of around 1000) is pretty bad looking, houses with roofs crumbling, even the road itself has been patched quite a bit. I got to the library a little after 1 pm. It’s off of mainstreet, where the houses look nicer, and the library building itself seems to have been built in the 1950s but it’s well-kept. I thought I could just go in and head for the Science Fiction section. Hah! Science fiction section? Nope, you have fiction and non fiction, as well as a huge children’s section, small section of best sellers, books on tape, and movies. Their selection of books is pretty typical for a library it’s size, decent but not very inclusive, I can get caught up on a bunch of older books I need to read (like the foundation trilogy, and dragonriders of pern) and I’m sure I’ll have fun borrowing books from their reference section. Their movies section is surprisingly good too, a lot of new ones, I won’t need to go to the video store for months! Hehe. I took out a couple books and started walking home a little after 2 (the sky was looking like it would rain, so I figured I should get going). On the way walking home. Michael was driving by, just coming back from the city, saw me, and stopped to pick me up, it was a nice surprise.

That’s it for now. *wanders off*