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Crazy family continued, teeth, my computer, and xelium

I spoke with my father the other night. He sounded alright, and went on to tell me all the things going on with the family. I have been out of the loop as far as immediate family stuff goes, so when he started talking about my mother’s pending divorce I was shocked.

Ok, not really shocked, I figured she’d get one eventually, but I was surprised that no one had mentioned this to me. She’s moved out of her husband’s house and is now living in an apartment with Annette (littlest sister). It’s a bit sad that she can’t seem to find happiness with anyone, but I guess that’s just part of who she is. The real miracle is that she stayed married to my father for 20 years. I’ll have to doublecheck with my sisters about the exact details of the divorce and such, but it’s all so weird.

My family makes me feel so utterly normal. It’s wonderful.

Michael had to go in for a root canal on thursday evening. One of his teeth broke earlier this week %( so he decided to work from home yesterday, since driving while on prescription pain medication is not usually wise.

Well we’ve found the root of my lilo problems, hardware. So Michael took my system apart yesterday afternoon. It really needed it, the poor thing has been knocked around, wires loosened, drives bounced, with all the moving it’s gone through these past few months it’s a miracle nothing was irrepairably damaged. So now it seems to be acting better. We decided to just go through and start from Stage 1 instead of 3, so Michael is showing me through the install, and familiarizing himself with the updated documentation. It’s fun, I can’t wait until it’s all up and running again, I’ve gotten so used to this slow old laptop %)

Xelium… well it’s had some problems this week. It’s probably because of the growth this past weekend. Two botnets (one I mentioned in the last post), a whole bunch of turks (turns out they pointed their irc.domain… to us, so tons of their users were coming to our server. With the botnet attacks happening at the same time, their inability to communicate with us, and their continual “Session Limit Exceeded” notices we decided to remove them. They seemed upset by this, messaging us and asking if we speak turkish, and telling us things in their garbled english. Really, if you’re going to bring a few dozen users, and break our rules reguarding the number of hosts that can connect you really should have at least one person who speaks the language our well enough to communicate properly. Anyway, around the time of the second (quite large, our max user count is up to 801) botnet attack our hub decided to get very crankie. It dropped the connection to the linked servers, and began refusing connections for users. We’re not sure if it was actually the botnet that hit it too hard and made things act up, it seems probable. So for now the hub is not linked, and we’re using another one of the servers as a hub and services. It’s holding up well enough, but we’re keeping our eyes on it.

I need to go get some cleaning done now, and start my day. *wanders off*