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Dongles and Ladybugs

The Gentoo install on R2D2 is complete enough so that I can mess around in X and install programs I’m going to be needing.

While the Gentoo install was finishing last night I sat on the couch with my laptop connected to a long ethernet cord. When I booted up it decided it didn’t want to see the network. The dongle seems to be attached to the NIC at a bad angle. I tried to move it around to fix it, no luck. I HATE THAT DONGLE. I guess it’s just been bumped one too many times. At least the timing was nice, I can use R2D2 now. And I guess I don’t have much important stuff on that laptop that I need to get off of it, so I’ll just have to get another stupid dongle.

We have many ladybugs. Not swarms of them, just a couple flying around every night. The other night I caught two of them and let them go outside. While holding one of them I looked at it, and it’s a bug. I picked up this bug in my bare hands and brought it outside. I think ladybugs and catepillers are the only bugs I do this with. Why? I don’t know, I guess growing up I was taught that ladybugs and catapillers are nice and other bugs are gross.

Today.. it’s nice out, maybe I’ll go for a walk. *wanders off*