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Give it to us raw and wrigglin’.

We decided to go out for sushi last night. Rather than driving all the way to Jenkintown to go to our usual sushi place we decided to head to a local place in Skippack, Tokyo Japanese Restaurant. The service was good, the food was good. We’re infinately spoiled by the perfection of the place in Jenkintown, but I think this place really is a nice alternative. The atmosphere was really nice too, a really nicely designed building, a deck outside and a wooden bridge over pools and little falls of water that you had to cross to get to the entrance. I was impressed. We ate the usuals, octopus, eel, mackeral, white fish and tried a really yummie eel tempura roll called a Y2K roll, it was really tastey. I love fish.

After dinner last night we decided to head out to the Home Depot to pick up a few things. We ended up buying a lawn mower while we were there, and a rake. So as soon as the weather improves we’ll be starting our work on our mess of a yard, woo!

I decided to get rid of the guestbook on princessleia.com. Spam was beginning to be a problem that I just didn’t want to deal with anymore. It’s sad that spam has to interfere like this, I’ve already been spammed in my livejournal about a dozen times. Spam, spam, spam! Ah the price of freedom.

I had a dream the other night that had a friend from a journal in it. The dream wasn’t about them, I was at a fair in New Hampshire with Michael and a bunch of friends and this journal person just happened to be among us. The interesting thing is that journal and email is really the only contact we’ve ever had. Never spoken on the phone, never chatted. I think this is a first for me. Maybe I just felt so comfortable with this person that it was only natural that they’d end up with my good friends in a dream? How well can you know someone through journals? Journals definately are a one-sided view of someone, only the information about themselves that they choose to commit to text, and you have the same “lack of physical contact” issues that arise with anyone you meet online. And without actual real time interaction can you really know that any given person on your friends list is actually a Friend? Anyway, it was a nice dream and I woke up happy.

Today we’re getting Caligula! The breeders said that 3pm would be a good time for them, which works out perfectly with our weekend schedule, we’re planning on leaving here around 1 or so. I’m so excited! We’re bringing along the digital camera, so hopefully we’ll be able to take some pictures of his family too %) I’m going to go take a shower and make sure the place is nice and clean and kitten proof now. *wanders off*