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Matrix 3, my new interest in gardening (with pictures), grocery stores.

I watched the 3rd Matrix movie last night. The first 1/3 of it sucked, I was groaning the whole time while they did much of the same crap that made me hate the second one so much. All standing around and talking, trying to be all profound by speaking slowly and saying stupidly obvious thingszzZZZZzzzz. There was this one scene where they killed a bunch of guards in a pillared cooridor, wait, didn’t they do that in the first one too? Gah. But then the movie got better, the characters shut up, Neo and Trinity were sent away and we got to enjoy some good special effects and scifi-ness. There were some pretty neat scenes in there and I can appreciate it for that. They didn’t completely screw up the ending either! So it wasn’t horrible like the second, but I can’t say that I loved it either. At least I don’t feel like I wasted my time with it.

After writing that entry yesterday I went outside and played in my garden. At first I wasn’t sure how to approach it, it was quite a mess, and the only gardening tool I had was a rake! So after thinking for a bit and adding a few things to a Home Depot shopping list I decided to just dig in, with my hands. Turns out this was probably the best method, even with a case full of gardening tools I would have gotten my hands filthy. So I started digging a little after noon, and quickly realized that I often don’t know the difference between a weed flower and a good flower. So I started looking for signs that certain things were weeds, like random growth, growing too close to plants I KNOW are good flowers. I think I did ok, might have some stray weeds in there, but I’ll read up on things. So any gardeners out there? Sure I can do a google search for gardening, but it’d be nice to have some experienced people point me in the right direction.

I never thought I’d be someone who could enjoy gardening. At my parent’s house all we had was a tiny garden in the front yard, and that was a chore to keep tended. I watched my neighbors spend all summer preening and caring for their huge flower garden and just didn’t see that it was “worth” all the work put into it. Well I completely missed the point! And I didn’t understand until I was elbow deep in dirt yesterday, gardening is fun! It’s like programming/scripting, you enjoy doing it AND you get a neat result at the end! I think this might be my next obsession.

I’ve sort of worked out a plan for the gardens, I’m going to clean them out, with the possible exception of the one behind the garage, because it’s weird to plant flowers in a dark place behind the garage. Then I’m going to see what decides to pop up out of the soil, some of them should be nice flowers that I’ll be happy with, and I suspect that some plots won’t have any flowers, and some might have flowers I don’t like. All summer I’ll spend time learning about gardening and watching how my garden grows. Then come fall I can start planning what I want in my garden next year.

I took pictures!

This is after I cleaned out one of the plots on this side, the rest are still covered in leaves.

The rest of the pictures are here. Yeah, I decided to make a part of my webpage about my garden.

After all this yard work we decided to go up to the Home Depot to pick up some things we needed, picked up some hedge clippers, a little garden shovel, a garden hose, a spade shovel… and we managed to finish off that $1300 gift certificate we got at the closing of our house! Amazing how fast that went. Afterwards we decided to go to Giant, a grocery store chain in the area that we used to shop at. I just wanted to pick up a couple things, like boca ground “meat” which they don’t see at Henning’s (our new grocery store). Well within about 5 minutes of being in Giant I remembered that I HATE grocery shopping, we picked upthe boca meat, and tried to do a little more shopping, but the atmosphere was just too horrible. We went to try and check o
ut, and ALL the lines were long, they have something like 15 cash registers and only 7 were open on a Sunday evening? What were they thinking? Well we weren’t going to stand there for a half hour for a one item, so we put it back and left. Ugh, Giant sucks. We made it to Henning’s around 6, and got through all the shopping that we needed to do fairly quickly. I love Henning’s, it’s the most pleasant grocery store I’ve ever shopped at. It is a single store, family owned since the 19th century, it’s grown with the community. The feel in the store is nice, and instead of having pop music and advertisements playing in the store they have some neutral musak. The store doesn’t have that disinfected “clone” feel that chain stores have (often every grocery store of the chain is identical in layout, it’s creepy). And the people at the checkout aren’t insane, they’re usually high school kids and older women, who are quite pleasant and don’t try to talk to you. All in all it’s very home-like in that store, things are just right, and there are never huge crazy lines. It all adds up to make my shopping experience as pleasant as possible.

Hehe, grocery stores.

Well the forecast seems to say that it’s going to rain Wed, Thu, Fri… so today and tomorrow are my only days this week that I can spend doing more work in the garden, so I’m going to get working on that now. *grabs shovel and rake and wanders off*