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Our night last night at the brewless brewery.

Yesterday evening we had our friends Ed and Kelly over. They recently got married, so we wanted to take them out for a congratulations dinner. Besides, it had been a while since we had seen them, they wanted to meet Caligula, and they hadn’t see the house yet. We were planning on going to the Drafting room, but a quick call to make reservations scratched that idea, we couldn’t get anything earlier than 8:30, and we wanted to eat around 7. So we decided we’d try a brewery that we heard about in Pottstown, Ortlieb’s Brewery & Grill. The pictures made the place look nice enough, and we thought it would be nice to try some local brews.

We got there and it wasn’t too busy, we were seated immediately, which is amazing for this area at 6:30 on a saturday night. The menu looked good, but when we asked for a brew list the waitress informed us that they had run out of their most popular ale. All they had was their lager (gah, lagers) and a bunch of strange flavors of beer. Now we go to a brewery to eat and they don’t have their most famous ale that we went there to try? How is this possible? Since we were already there and we were hungry we decided to stay, at least they had Guinness on tap. The food was good, the service sucked. In all we felt really bad about bringing our friends there %( Still, we had a nice time, got to talk a lot, got to hear all about their wedding in Niagra falls. They also mentioned that they’d be headed down to Disney World in September, and the offered to let us come too and stay at their condo down there! YAH!! They want to go the week after labor day, so I think we’re going to seriously try to save up some money to go down too. The last and only time I ever went to Disney World I got heat stroke so bad that I ended up in the first aid place all day %( It’d be really cool to spend a week with them down there.

The restaurant didn’t even have good desserts.

After dinner we came back to the house and sat around the fire drinking tea. I made some cookies(easy premade cookie dough that just needs to be baked, hey it’s yummie and great for times like this!). It was really great just sitting around and talking, I needed real social contact. After a while we decided to show them an episode of Coupling, which they really enjoyed.

Caligula was really great and friendly through all this. He liked Ed and Kelly a lot, wasn’t afraid to walk on them or play with them or anything. I’m very happy about that, we’ll just need to make sure we keep having friends over from time to time so he is used to other people.

They left a little before 11. It was a good night.

Today, no formal plans, I think I’ll do a bit of reading. And playing with the kitty! Yay!

*wanders off*