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Archive for March, 2004

Tale of a DVD-ROM drive

I have a crankie DVD-ROM drive. It’s always been crankie and I didn’t remember how crankie it was until this morning. I had this computer built for my by a local computer shop up in Portland, Maine in the spring of 1999. I bought it with an old DVD rom drive, which probably cost me […]

Coupling, vet visit, and we’re getting more snow, yay!

A friend of ours from Sweden is always sending us movies and shows he finds amusing. His taste is generally consistant with ours so it’s always enjoyable to us. However, when he offered to send us the first two seasons of Coupling i was skeptical. I became familiar with it through some news article about […]

Caligula settling in, the !weather on R2D2 goes international, and irssi is top client in #13thHour

Caligula seems to be calming down more. He still walks around an meows a bit, but not nearly as much as before. For the most part he’s letting us sleep through the whole night now, when he does wake up he leaves the bed and room to go play. He seems to be quite fond […]

Caligula comes home! (Pictures!)

We left home to pick up Caligula a little after 1 on the afternoon of Saturday the 13th. The drive out there was a bit longer than we expected because of the horrible Philadelphia traffic, but the drive through New Jersey really wasn’t bad at all. We had no trouble finding the breeder’s house (thanks […]

Give it to us raw and wrigglin’.

We decided to go out for sushi last night. Rather than driving all the way to Jenkintown to go to our usual sushi place we decided to head to a local place in Skippack, Tokyo Japanese Restaurant. The service was good, the food was good. We’re infinately spoiled by the perfection of the place in […]

Bamwv day, terms, and my kitty!

It’s bamwv nickname day in #13thHour. This means we take our initials + state, providence, or country code and make it our nickname. So our channel list included: eakpa mdbpa jcymi sadsc jdjse kcfde It actually looked a bit like a botnet ;) And Bamwv hasn’t even show up yet! Gah! I ditched poor wterm […]

I’m sick. I went to bed on tuesday night coughing and feeling a bit low. Yesterday morning it was pretty clear that I had a cold. So I spent the day curled up with a bottle of DayQuil. In the evening I was feeling all achey and hot, it wasn’t a good night. I feel […]

We get to bring Caligula home in 4 days! Yay! We’ve been looking at carrier cases for him, since we’ll need one to bring him home (all the way from south jersey) and for vet visits and such. I renewed princessleia.com for a couple years this morning. The EUR USD exchange rate is even worse […]

making my desktop pretty and mp3s

The install of all the programs I need is going well. I was able to install tons of stuff today and test is all out since I didn’t have work. I haven’t heard from them this afternoon, so I guess I won’t work tomorrow either *sigh* Well I have stuff to work on here anyway. […]

Dongles and Ladybugs

The Gentoo install on R2D2 is complete enough so that I can mess around in X and install programs I’m going to be needing. While the Gentoo install was finishing last night I sat on the couch with my laptop connected to a long ethernet cord. When I booted up it decided it didn’t want […]