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Archive for March, 2004

Crazy family continued, teeth, my computer, and xelium

I spoke with my father the other night. He sounded alright, and went on to tell me all the things going on with the family. I have been out of the loop as far as immediate family stuff goes, so when he started talking about my mother’s pending divorce I was shocked. Ok, not really […]

My delinquent sister, everyday I hate Windows, and some odd Turks

It’s my youngest sister Annette’s birthday today. She’s 15. I emailed her this morning, and when she hopped on AIM this afternoon I got to chat with her for a bit. I hadn’t spoken with her in some time, so I thought it’d be great to catch up. Turns out she was expelled from school, […]

Computers are neat and I got to go to the library %)

ssh -X is so wonderful. Of course I’ve known about it and used it before, but today I was really able to utilize it for work purposes. I’m able to do just about everything I can at work here at home. So today, even though I’m on my old laptop, I really had no trouble […]

All sorts of little things…

This past weekend could have been better. But there were some cool things about it. As I mentioned previously Michael finished completely installing the new shower door and putting the caulking around it all. This meant that we couldn’t take a shower all day saturday (and scratched our plans to go out anywhere), but now […]