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Archive for April, 2004

Leaving for vacation!

Caligula has been dropped off at Michael’s mother’s. Just about everything is packed. Have directions in hand. Leaving in just a few minutes. Yay vacation in West Virginia! I’ll be back on the 30th. Take care everyone. *runs off*

Our digital camera came!

We got our digital camera today, woohoo! Next day shipping rocks. I unpacked it and ran off to take a few test shots: which are here. I’m quite happy with it so far, it’s so much better than our old camera %) And you can take little movies! I got a little movie of Caligula […]

Planning the trip

We ordered the Canon PowerShot A70 last night, it should be here by tomorrow. Yay! I haven’t really talked about this trip we’re taking. Michael wanted to take a vacation because he’s been so busy lately. OS migrations at work, moving into the new house, he’s been working full time all the way through this. […]

Searching for a good digital camera, success!

I like to take pride in my searching abilities, but when it comes to doing research for products and actually shopping online, I suck. I don’t know what the trouble is, but Michael can hop online and within 20 minutes find what I can’t find for 3 hours of searching and wading through reviews. Part […]

Looking to buy a new digital camera.

I was outside this weekend doing yardwork, and I was so pleased with how everything was looking that I put our nice new e2 batteries (they say they work well in high drain devices) in our HP Photosmart 215 camera and headed outside. I tried to take a couple pictures, then gave the camera to […]

Weekend yard work

No posting about the events all weekend, oh dear. This won’t be interesting or thoughtful, just a rundown of events really… It was a beautiful weekend, so it’s a good thing I wasn’t cooped up with the computer. Saturday morning I went outside and started working on the veggie garden. First I had to rake […]

Svenska learning via Disney, more on the fellow who couldn’t RTFM, and gardening!

A swedish friend of mine has been sending me films in swedish, and guess what… he’s got a bunch of Disney full length animated features! YAY! For those of you not aware, back in the day I was a crazy Disney animated feature fan (live action sucked, with only a couple exceptions). I spent a […]

RSS (and firefox eating mozilla!), Caligula’s Hurt tail, debian n00b, and #null is way popular…

Well I finally settled on using the RSS Reader Panel for Mozilla Firefox. It’s working great, although it definately has it’s limitations. Then I tried to open up Mozilla today, since I’m still so attached to it and firefox opened up. Oh flooby. So after asking around and finding out if anyone else had this […]

Search for a good RSS feed reader.

I haven’t written anything interesting lately. I was going in circles with my checking email, reading news and journals, and organizing my home directory (I got it so it’s mostly just tons of directories now *sigh*). So I decided I needed a new project. In light of all the RSS Feed icons I’ve been seeing […]

We’re headed over to Michael’s mother’s soon for Easter dinner. Yay! Yesterday was a pretty typical Saturday. Michael spent a bunch of time cleaning the inside of the Rav4, and we decided to bring Caligula outside on our deck for a bit. We put on his special collar and a lead we picked up from […]