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Kitties meeting, taking walks, (lack of) organization, learning svenska

Caligula is very talkative. When we’re walking around the house doing things he has a tendancy to follow us and meow from time to time to let us know he’s still there. It’s really cute, but it has taken a bit of getting used to, Cargo usually just meowed when he was anticipating food.

Cargo… I miss Cargo. We’re trying to think through when the best time to bring Cargo home to meet Caligula for the first time. At first I thought it would be best after Caligula was fixed at 6 months old, but then I learned that cats probably won’t spray the house before 6-7 months old even if there are other cats around. So maybe it would be best to introduce them while Caligula is still a kitten, that way he can get used to the idea that Cargo will come over for visits sometimes, and it won’t be “Adult cat meets adult cat.” They are both healthy and up to date on vaccinations and vet visits.

Michael and I went for a walk on Wednesday night. It was the first time I had seen the Perkiomen Trail, and we live right next to it now! It was in the 60s out, so we just put on light shirts and headed out for a walk after dinner. I guess the walk turned out to be about an hour long, before I knew it we were halfway up Spring Mountain wondering where the mountain had gone. The it’s very wooded and trail climbs the mountain very slowly, so you don’t really realize you’re on it until you are coming down. It’s so cool living in this area, I love being able to get lost in the woods a few feet from my house %)

I need to work on my organization skills. I keep saying that I will, and this is how it always goes:

– I realize there is a problem because there are 150 files/directories in my home directory and 200 in my ~/images/ folder.
– I think “Hey, I really need to work on my organization skills.”
– I complain in my journal about how I have no organization skills.
– I finally get fed up with it, and on the fly create a bunch of directories to put stuff in, which include ~/bz2 ~/txt ~/perl ~/bashScripts.
– I start sorting my files into these directories, at first I’m good about it and delete things I really don’t need, but then I start `mv *.sh bashScripts/`.
– After about 2 hours my home directory is just a bunch of directories and a couple important files, I realize I’m sick of this now and it’s “good enough” further organization of folders like my ~/images directory ignored.
– folders like my ~/images directory become a lost cause.
– I can’t find anything.
– After a month or two this whole process repeats.

So maybe I just need to work on discipline, and take more time when going through my files so I don’t save a bunch of crap, my home directory is currently 5.7 gigs, GAH.

Over the past few months I have been thinking about learning other languages. Not programming/scripting languages, spoken ones, and I’ve spent some time thinking about which one to learn. French was up there on my list, simply because it’s widely used, Canada, France, Belgium. And I do have a frend who speaks French as well as English. But honestly, do I WANT to learn French? What is my purpose? So I started looking elsewhere. I stayed away from any of the Asian languages, I’m not up for learning an entirely new set of characters. German would be cool, since it’s the language of my ancestors and all that, but I don’t know any German speakers, and immersion is vital to my learning, I failed miserably learning spanish because I wasn’t in an environment where I could use it, in the 90s Maine didn’t have many spanish speakers, no spanish tv channels. I need to be around people who’d be supportive, who I could shout out “Hej!” to in IRC.


Swedish. At least one on every public irc server I chat on. And supportive? Hell yeah. Can I trust them not to just teach me the way of swear words? Mostly! I also discovered that another english speaking woman in one of the channels is learning Swedish, and I asked her and she gave me a whole pile of links that she’s used to start learning. As swede f
riend of mine even sent me a bunch of swedish lessons in mp3 format, and offered to send me swedish movies and television programs when I felt that I had progressed enough to watch some. Yay!

Of course, I won’t get too excited yet. Learning another language is hard, tedious and takes a long time, and I don’t know if I can do it. I don’t know if this will just be another project that I attempt and fail at because I lack the patience and the drive. So I’ll give it my best shot.

Yay it’s Friday! %) *wanders off*