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Our digital camera came!

We got our digital camera today, woohoo! Next day shipping rocks. I unpacked it and ran off to take a few test shots: which are here. I’m quite happy with it so far, it’s so much better than our old camera %) And you can take little movies! I got a little movie of Caligula playing with his fluffy yellow ball, it’s great. Of course the real test will come this week while we’re on vacation.

So I spent most of the day packing and doing cleaning around the house (don’t want to come back from vacation to a mess!). We made arrangements so Caligula can stay with Michael’s mother while we’re gone, hopefully he won’t cause too much trouble for her %) We still need to stop at the store for some things but on a whole I think I’m pretty ready to go.

Now I need to figure out some sort of dinner from the little food that we have left. Really need to go grocery shopping when we get home. *wanders off*