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Archive for April, 2004

Fom PrincessLeia2 to pleia2, and we went to seeJersey Girl last night.

Wait, don’t freak out. My nickname is now pleia2 on xelium now (where #13thHour is). I’ve always been pretty against nickname changes in IRC, I’ve known too many people who come in with a new nickname every 12 months (or less!) and wonder why people don’t know who they are. One of the former opers […]

Kitties meeting, taking walks, (lack of) organization, learning svenska

Caligula is very talkative. When we’re walking around the house doing things he has a tendancy to follow us and meow from time to time to let us know he’s still there. It’s really cute, but it has taken a bit of getting used to, Cargo usually just meowed when he was anticipating food. Cargo… […]

xzip, dvds, Caligula’s vet visit, hanging out with Nita, pictures of Caligula’s new tag!

Let’s start with monday. Monday I did a bunch of cleaning. In the afternoon I was thinking about Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and remembered that there had been an old text game from 1984. It was Zork-like and I had never played it! So I did a quick google search and found this site: […]

Saturday Night’s LAN party.

I’m definately sober now. As briefly mentioned when I posted the link for the pictures, the LAN party was fun. And oh boy, it’s been a very long time since I’ve had that much to drink. Our friend Bob came over in the afternoon to ride with us over to the party, and he wanted […]

It’s noon, we lost an hour last night. The LAN party rocked. It was held at and ‘s place. I got to meet a couple of new people, one of whom I think I recall seeing at a PLUG meeting once. came with canned Guinness, it was the first time I had ever tried the […]

GloFish and …snow?!

I met my first genetically engineered fish the other day. It was a Red Glow Danio, or GloFish, according to the local pet store website: New on the market. These fish actually glow in the dark under black lights or atinic blue lights. These fish have been genetically altered using jellyfish and/or anenome DNA. You […]

I should have learned long ago that I can’t “just read the introduction to” a Douglas Adams book. I’m a Douglas Adams fan, his books have me in tears from laughing so hard. When I found a copy of Salmon of Doubt at the library last night I HAD to take it out and push […]

I said that Caligula was getting bigger, but then I went over to see Cargo this afternoon. Cargo is freaking huge! I’m so used to having a kitten that a cat is quite a shock %) I guess I can rest assured that Caligula has plenty of time still as a little kitten. I’m at […]