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Planning the trip

We ordered the Canon PowerShot A70 last night, it should be here by tomorrow. Yay!

I haven’t really talked about this trip we’re taking.

Michael wanted to take a vacation because he’s been so busy lately. OS migrations at work, moving into the new house, he’s been working full time all the way through this. Last week he posted a link to a lodge in West Virginia and if I wanted to go. Of course! Then he said he wanted to go very soon, so we started getting our things together to quickly plan a trip. This brings us to my need for the quick search and delivery of a digital camera. Today Michael made final plans at three different Bed & Breakfasts that we’ll be staying at during our trip. We’ll be driving down through Maryland, staying at a B&B there and doing some hiking at a state park. Then we’ll spend the rest of the week (5 nights) in West Virginia at a couple more B&B’s, visiting a few more parks, caverns, waterfalls… wonderful hiking places. I’m very excited. We’ll be leaving this Saturday and driving home next Saturday.

For the entire trip I’ll leave all computers and internet at home. I’ll bring the books I checked out of the library, that should be enough. Yay for relaxation away from the hum of my harddrive!

I got some new books from Prentice Hall today for the Philly Chix group. One of them is called Linux: Programming by Example. I thumbed through it, I think it’ll be useful, but the thing that makes it notable is the cover. It has a purple lightsaber on it: see? It made me giggle.

Is there a synonym (read, real word) for bookaholic? I think I might be one. Books in .txt format are fine if I have no other option, but I do so love books. I love what’s inside them, I love how they feel in your hand, I love flipping through the pages of a new book and smelling that new book smell. Mmmm books.

I must go back to finalizing our plans and routes to take. *wanders off*