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RSS (and firefox eating mozilla!), Caligula’s Hurt tail, debian n00b, and #null is way popular…

Well I finally settled on using the RSS Reader Panel for Mozilla Firefox. It’s working great, although it definately has it’s limitations. Then I tried to open up Mozilla today, since I’m still so attached to it and firefox opened up. Oh flooby. So after asking around and finding out if anyone else had this trouble a friend of mine helped me search the gentoo forums for a solution (he had the problem as well, but just uninstalled mozilla and ignored it). Eventually we found this post which says you just need to change the a sym link. Sigh, crazy Firefox eating Mozilla! Anyway, I took a lovely picture of my RSS Feed reader in action here (using the firesomething extention in this screenshot, so it’s “Mozilla Seavulture” hehe.

Caligula hurt his tail on Wednesday. I’m not sure how, it must have happened while he was playing when I was taking a nap (wasn’t feeling well). I noticed it in the evening when I was petting him, he got all annoyed and ran off. I tracked him down and found the trouble was a bit of a lump in his tail. He seemed very upset and wouldn’t let me touch it, and when he walked he wouldn’t hold his tail properly. I got worried and told Michael, and since it was too late to do anything else we decided to just keep an eye on it and try to get a better look at it later. On Thursday I ended up going into work because the Philly Chix meeting in the evening and it’s close to work. So while at work I was able to do a bunch of googling into kitty tail injuries, most suggested that he had broken his tail, oh no! My poor Caligula! Luckily the information online also said that with his symptoms (just crankie about it being touched and holding his tail improperly) were very minor and cats can easily recover from such things. I asked a bunch of friends, and even the breeder what their experience/recommendations for such things were and everyone said that I should just keep and eye on it so it doesn’t get worse and it’ll heal fine on its own. This morning it seemed to be a little better, he was laying on it this morning while on my lap, and he’s started to hold it a little more normally.

The Philly Chix meeting last night was great. Erin was there, Maggie, Gwen. Although we tended to drift away from linux quite often I had a really nice time, at the end of the meeting we were engrossed in a conversation about religion. It’s nice to get together with other smart people, whatever the excuse may be %)

This person I know in IRC comes up to me yesterday afternoon and says “Hey, a friend of mine needs help with debian, do you have some time?” So sure, I wasn’t do much so I thought I’d give him a hand. Turns out this kid is an idiot. He somehow got debian on his xbox, and it’s quite shocking what he doesn’t know. He doesn’t know how to use vim, in fact, he didn’t know you could launch programs from xterm. I’m serious. Either the install of debian on the xbox is stupidly easy or someone else did it. Well his problem was that sound wasn’t working for his user, of course this was because he wasn’t added to the audio group, so he asked me to log in and fix it for him. He gave me his root password. Now, this is an xbox, can you guess what his root password was? xbox. I told him to change it as soon as I logged out, who knows if he did because I decided that it was time for me to get out of there. *Groan*

Wow, #null has lots of people in it:

#null: Total of 50 nicks [4 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 46 normal]

#null is the idle rpg on Xelium. It seems that a couple of the more popular people on the server discovered it and invited their friends, and as soon as it hit 3
0+ users more people started to notice it’s existance. It’s funny how these things grow. I’m also in an IdleRPG on freenode which has about 200 players, yay! I am a bit annoyed at the guy who runs it though, I finally got to first place and he used his admin powers to speed himself up. Come along now, cheating on an IdleRPG? So sad.

I was going to go to the library today but since they open at 3:30 today I sort of ran out of time. Sigh. Maybe tomorrow. But now I must go figure out what I want to eat for dinner. *wanders off*