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Svenska learning via Disney, more on the fellow who couldn’t RTFM, and gardening!

A swedish friend of mine has been sending me films in swedish, and guess what… he’s got a bunch of Disney full length animated features! YAY! For those of you not aware, back in the day I was a crazy Disney animated feature fan (live action sucked, with only a couple exceptions). I spent a lot of time watching these films over and over again, so the fact that he had some of my favorite disney films in swedish was great! While writing bills and working out the budget yesterday I turned on Ringaren i Notre Dame, and it was quite an experience. Apparently Disney actually went through and did this themselves, the dubbing was great, songs dubbed and everything. Well I got to be all excited each time I picked out a word! And since I pretty much memorized the english version, I was able to start picking up phrases. Even though I am still a super swedish newbie, I think this is an important immersion step for me. I can start getting used to the sound and structure of the language.

I got a mail this morning from that kid who pissed me off a couple months ago for his continued stupid questions and outright insults when i was trying to help him, bluefox83. I hadn’t really given thought to letting him come back, since I really didn’t want to deal with his newbie whining and bitching anymore, but I figure this email is sincere enough, and reflects the newbie to real user stage that we all go through:


I just wanted to write you and both, apologise you and thank you. first,
I’ll apologise. It was rude and cosceded and bullheaded of me to go off
on you for not just handing me all the answers i wanted you to give
me…it was a good thing you did that though. You gave me the kick in
the ass i needed to get started learning linux, i’m starting to move
into bsd to broaden my knowledge, but debian (the real debian, not
libranet) is my main distro (and favorite!). Thank you so much for the
kick in the ass, and the shove out the door.



So I’m running this by a few people who I know were particularly annoyed by his presence, and we’ll see where it goes. Maybe I’m just being too soft again. But hey, if it’s true that’s great…

It’s nice out. I’m going to go take a shower and then we’ll head out to a lawn and garden store to pick up some tools I’m going to need. And definately some gardening gloves! My poor hands are still recovering from my first few days in the garden, who knew that soil could dry hands out so horribly? Well, I didn’t. Oh and I need some batteries for my camera so I can take pictures of the pretty flowers that have come up *makes a list*

Going to do that now *wanders off*