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Weekend yard work

No posting about the events all weekend, oh dear. This won’t be interesting or thoughtful, just a rundown of events really…

It was a beautiful weekend, so it’s a good thing I wasn’t cooped up with the computer. Saturday morning I went outside and started working on the veggie garden. First I had to rake it, since it had a lot of leaves on it. Around noon Nita dropped by with her sister because they were in the area, thinking back I must have looked a mess %) Well I stopped and talked to them for a bit. After they left I was thinking about the evil rhododendron in our yard (fuzzy picture here). Why is it evil?

1) I don’t like rhododendrons. Don’t ask me to explain, I can’t, I just don’t like them.
2) It had grown without much care given to it, not much pruning, so it was a bit of a mess (might be hard to tell from the picture because it’s far away and from the wrong angle..)
3) It attracts bugs. I’m not sure why this is, but there were always tons of nasty flying insects around the silly thing.

So we decided that it’d come out, this weekend. But before doing any of that we needed some things at the Home Depot, like gloves. So I went inside and got cleaned up and we headed out to the Home Depot. On the way out there we passed Ott’s Tree Farm. Now this is a huge tree farm and flower shop, I mean huge, you don’t even see the scale of it from the road because the lot is huge and continues out back. Well it was quite impressive, and we got to look at some trees that we might want to replace the rhododendron with. It was a really amazing shop, I’m glad we stopped by it, we’re definately going back once we pick out a tree (still undecided… any suggestions? max height 40 ft, no fruit trees, and we want non-flowering but colorful leaves!).The trip to the Home Depot was uneventful, but I was able to check out a raspberry bush and see that it’s definately raspberry bushes that are growing in my garden.

After the Home Depot we came back and I did a bunch more work, there are so many rocks in the ground. Michael decided to take the power saw to the rhododendron, and now it’s no more! He spent most of the evening cutting it up so we can use the trunk and branches.

Sunday I started off by cleaning out all the garden plots in the front of the house (facing the road). It took a little over an hour, and disppointingly not much is growing in them right now *shrug* there isn’t much light over there. Then it started to get hot, which is very frustrating. I decided to go inside for a bit and do a little cleaning in there. So that’s how most of the day went, I cleaned out the area around the mailbox, then when I was hot I went inside, did some raking of leaves along the driveway, and then went inside when I was hot. Toward the evening I was getting tired and got all clumsy with the garbage pail I was using to bring leaves to the leave pile in back and hit my shin pretty hard. I decided to call it a day %)

Michael spent the whole afternoon working on getting the rhododendron stump out. It was quite a job, especially since there were so many rocks in the soil, you can’t just dig and get it out. But he eventually did it %) Yay!

Today… well I had planned to go out early and do some yard work, but instead I decided to focus on some house work while I was doing all my laundry. I cleaned up the kitchen and then mopped the floor. I put the mop in the sink and headed up stairs when I was done. Michael had some suggestions on where to spend our upcoming vacation (a week away from it all that’s still being planned…). So I sat up here for a bit calculating expenses to see what would work well for us. After about a half hour I figured the floor would be dry so I went downstairs. I looked in the kitch and the mop was on the floor and the faucet was on a little, overflowing the sink! EGADS!

The only explaination I can think of is that the mop fell out of the sink and hit the handle on the faucet. Since the sink was already almost completel
y full this caused problems. I ran and got a few towels and cleaned the mess up pretty quickly, but it had gone into my drawers, and a stream of it got under the big stove. *Groan* so I had to remove all the drawers, clean them out, wash everything inside, throw out a lot of paper and cardboard stuff. Then I went ahead and moved the oven and cleaned under it. It’s probably a good thing I did, since I knew it was a mess under there and just never got around to cleaning it. Well cleaning up all that took til after noon. Then I had to mop the floor AGAIN, this time not leaving the mop in the sink. By the time I was finished cleaning and doing the laundry I wanted to do it was about 1 pm. I had lunch and then decided that 85 was too high of a temperature to do yard work in. So I’ve spent the afternoon working on little things and waiting for it to cool down. Now it’s cooled down, so I’m going outside, yay!

*grabs the rake and shovel and heads outside