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Caligula eats books and things grow in my garden!

Caligula hates books. I read quite a bit, and when I’m reading I’m not paying attention to him. A couple weeks ago he started attacking the corners of my books with his teeth while I was reading them, I had no trouble shooing him away. Last week I saw him jump in my bookcase and try chewing on a book there, which I responded to by pushing all the books to the back of the bookcase so he couldn’t get behind them.

I really should have known that his next step would be actually attacking any books he saw lying around.

I always have lots of books by my bed, and yesterday he staked out a copy of Friday that I’m borrowing from . I am not sure why he chose this one to attack, it’s the only book out of the pile that I’d be upset if he attacked. Sigh. I’ll have to buy a replacement, which is actually not so bad, since I’m really enjoying this book and won’t mind having a copy in my library, I just feel bad.

Caligula Eats Books

But this did teach me a lesson! I won’t leave my books around where nasty little kitties can get their teeth on them.

Yesterday was good, I got painters tape put all around the bedroom we’re going to paint, got some more sanding and spackling done. Michael did a kickass job of getting the fishtank clean and repaired, it looks amazing now, see?

I noticed yesterday that there are actually things growing in my vegetable garden! The beans and cucumber plants have begun to sprout, yay!

veggie garden

Today. Well at least the weather is nicer. I’ve been working on a bunch of things online, I really should go get some more work done around the house, but I’m just so tired from the previous days…

*wanders off*