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Fat full food

I was in the grocery store on Sunday night to pick up a few things. One of the things I wanted was some yummie ice cream snacks, ice cream sandwiches maybe? I approached the freezer section and to my dismay saw a plethora of labels announcing:


I swear there were more of these than regular foods. Now I don’t have a problem with people who try and use such things to lose weight, but I’m in the camp that believes moderation is the key. I mostly eat healthy foods, I avoid beef and pork where possible. But when I go out to dinner I splurge, when it comes to the occasional desserts I splurge. If I want an ice cream snack I’m going to have it 100%, all fat, carbs and calories included. It just doesn’t taste the same otherwise, and when I want something sweet, taste is always at the top of my list. Besides, in a decade or two there will be a new fad diet, maybe they will claim fat is good for you and vitamin C is the REAL evil.

So I decided they need a “fat full” section of the store, so I don’t need to scrutinize each label to make sure there is nothing “diet” about it. When did it become hard to eat normal food? I don’t remember it always being this difficult.

It’s nice and rainy today. *wanders off*