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Finished planting, yay!

I spent yesterday morning planting my vegetable garden. I planted a couple rows of beans, cucumbers, white onions, and carrots. Hopefully something will grow ;D The rows I created are probably wider than they need to be, and I left a bit on the edge of the garden empty just in case I want to add some more plants later (possibly some small tomato plants). I think it looks good though, yay my garden is all planted!

Unfortunately I was so busy yesterday morning that I forgot to put suntan lotion on. When I came inside my back looked fine, but by the time evening rolled around it was clear that my entire back was burned. Gah! It’s not bad actually, it’s more annoying than hurting at the moment.

Rest of the day was pretty dull, Michael went over to ‘s to help him open his pool for the summer. I hung out here at home and read, paid some bills, and got annoyed by our internet connection. The connection had been solid since we hooked it up back in February, but yesterday it died a number of times. Even today it’s limping a bit and I’m not going to risk any big file transfers today… if I can surf a bit and my irc connection is maintained I can deal with this for a couple days, until we figure out the problem or it resolves itself. In the evening we went out grocery shopping, since we had been really bad about it and we had no food in the house.

Today… Well I’m sunburned, so I need to be careful about how much time I spend outside. Maybe I’ll start on mowing the lawn. *wanders off*