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Headaches suck.

Thanks for the recommendations everyone, my “to be read” list is all nice and filled up again. I did some searching through the local library system as well and was happy to discover that many of them are in there, which is great since I really can’t afford to spend a lot of money on books right now.

Yesterday didn’t quite turn out the way I had hoped. I got all set up outside, tools out, kitten hanging out on the porch, radio nearby, and I started tilling the soil in the garden. After about 20 minutes I started to get a sinus headache. I tried to keep working on it, so little to do! But I started sweating because of the heat (around 80 and humid) and finally ended up stopping. I brought everything inside, took some advil and hopped online a bit to see if my headache would subside, it didn’t. So I took a nice cool bath. It didn’t help much, besides getting me clean. Around 3 I gave up trying to actually do anything, took some more advil, and ended up zoned out in front of the TV watching episodes of Firefly that let us borrow a few weeks ago. Michael came home around 6, and I was still feeling miserable so I threw some frozen pizzas in the oven and we had those for dinner. He went out to wash the car and I spent the rest of the evening watching Firefly. I don’t remember exactly when I went to bed, in fact I really don’t remember much after 8 pm. I hate headaches like that.

This morning I was woken up to Caligula thwaping me in the nose with his paw. I guess he just wanted attention (of course as soon as I get up he goes back to sleep, right now he’s looking something like this). My headache was pretty much gone when I got out of bed, I took some advil just to make sure the small headache that remained stayed small (or non-existant). I’m feeling pretty good right now, hung inside this morning just to make sure the headache didn’t come raging back.

I think I’m going to go make myself a salad and maybe go out and work on the garden. *wanders off*