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I’ve lost faith in humanity, good thing we have chix meetings!

It’s not so hot today! Yay! Right now it’s only about 80 F (27 C), which is a nice break from the higher temps yesterday. I spent most of the morning doing normal cleaning and mopping. Caligula ended up being put in his room (our extra bedroom where Michael’s turntables and a bunch of Caligula’s toys are) while I mopped the floors because I kept coming back to them and finding kitty prints on my nicely mopped floors.

This afternoon I put an audio cd into my dvdrom drive and tried to play it by typing ‘cdplay’ (command line cd player) which had always worked on my Debian boxes. No go. At first I was quite puzzled, am I just tired and I forgot how to play a CD in linux? So I started up abcde to see if it was even reading the CD, and it could see that it was there. Must have something to do with alsa again. Yep, CD audio was off. So I turned that on and typed ‘cdplay’. No go. So I open up grip, because I know grip will play it if it can. Yay sound with grip! Now what is wrong with cdplay? Well it seems that the version in Gentoo is new and improved. The controls are all different! Arg! So just typing cdplay won’t work. This annoys me a bit, but the new options aren’t difficult. Big old meanies, making things more complicated.

Oh right, I should make these into oggs instead of playing CDs…

Last night was the Chix meeting. Michael usually goes down with me because the big city is scary (shut up, I’m from Maine!). But he was tired from work, so he really didn’t want to go down. Since we hadn’t had a meeting down in the city since November, and it had been even longer than that since I had seen Sam, I insisted that I had to go. The meeting was at 30th Street Station, so all I had to do was get off the train and walk to the Food Court. I had never been there before, but I figured it’d be easy and safe to find, so I told Michael that he could just drop me off at the Lansdale station and I could take the R5 down and back.

The train ride down to the city can be interesting. This one was especially amusing. At the North Wales station (two or three stops after mine on the trip down) these three hugely overweight girls with ice cream get on the train. They were all wearing tight clothing that made their obesity even more obvious. Now I don’t mind this, if they’re happy to sit there and eat their ice cream on the train while giggling and chattering about nothing, that’s fine. But while sitting there reading my book I couldn’t help but hear one of their conversations (they were being quite loud). They got all serious and were wondering if “trains go fast enough to suck you out of them like airplanes do.” I nearly burst out laughing, these girls are *my* age! Then I lost faith in humanity, again, and realized how Bush might be re-elected, again.

I got to the meeting a little before 8. It was really great to see Sam, and we talked about all sorts of things. It only turned out to be the two of us but it was pretty fun, I only wish I could have stayed longer, but the train ride back to Lansdale was an hour long, and I wanted to get back before 11. So I hopped on the 9:45 train and got back to the Lansdale station at a reasonable time.

Sam and Lyz at Philly Chix meeting

This morning I was skimming through the past week’s news, and I stumbled upon this article: UK Plastic Surgeons Put the Knife Into TV Makeovers. TV Makeovers? Oh that’s not a new thing, people go to the plastic surgeon all the time to get small flaws fixed. While I don’t agree with it, I don’t exactly have a huge problem with it, so I went to read the article.

Plastic surgeons in Britain have criticized television’s “dangerous” new craze of putting members of the p
ublic under the knife, often to make them look like celebrities.

TO MAKE THEM LOOK LIKE CELEBRITIES? It turns out that MTV has this show called I Want A Famous Face which profiles people who have gone through the process of getting enough plastic surgery to actually look like a Celebrity. These people should be seeking mental help, not being made famous by some stupid television program. For the second time this entry I’ve lost faith in humanity and realize how Bush could be re-elected! *cries*

Now I’m going to make dinner *wanders off*