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Looking for book recommendations…

So I decided that I need some book recommendations. We all have a “to read” list, and amazingly mine is quite small these days. I keep going to the library and picking up random books that I think I might like, and that’s been hit or miss. I feel like I’m wasting my time with this randomness, there are so many amazing books out there that I’m sure my friends could recommend that I’m not reading. I don’t want to go the route of “reading all the classics” because that’s boring to me. I guess I want to stick with Scifi, Fantasy, History, sociology, religion, and computers for my reading. And not Terry Pratchett, Douglas Adams, Robert Jordan, Orson Scott Card, Greg Bear, David Eddings, JRR Tolkien, Isaac Asimov, because I’ve either read plenty of them, or I’m taking a break from a series.

This weekend was productive, in addition to things I mentioned previously, Michael was able to rid our house of the wasp nests that were in part of our roof. Wasps are evil, and a couple weeks ago he sprayed the nest area with some wasp killer stuff, so they were all nice and dead when he went to scrape them out this weekend. Yuck yuck yuck. The funny thing is that there are all sorts of guards and screens put up around the edges of the roof so that this sort of thing doesn’t happen. So much for that. My veggie garden plot is almost done, I need to till about 3 square feet still, and remove rocks, and then put the plastic guard around it, but that should be it, I am hoping I can finish that all today, but I’m pretty sore still, so I don’t want to push myself too much.

We ended up taking Michael’s mother out for sushi last night, it was really good, and she enjoyed it.

Watched The Missing last night (mostly because it was directed by Ron Howard). I’d say it was pretty good, but predictable, and really not my kind of movie.

This morning I was finally able to bring myself to look at my piles of email. I had a whole bunch from the vacation week, and then last week I was so busy working and catching up on other things that mailing lists were completely neglected for another week. It was quite a task, but I was done in about 2 hours. So I’m back down to a managable 16MB.

I suppose I should get outside now, they are predicting scattered showers today, but the weather is still decent right now. *wanders off*