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Saturday, friends and a book

Yesterday was nice. I read for a bit, and then we grabbed some sandwiches at a local pizzeria for lunch (not much to eat in the house, and neither of us felt like going grocery shopping). Afterwards we headed out to run some errands, the typical sort of thing. By the time we were done it was close to 6 pm, so we headed over to ‘s for his birthday party.

The party was fun, played some Scene It?, which was amusing, but my horrible inexposure to so many movies really shined through as I got only one question correct during the whole game. Still, it was really fun. We got to have pizza, and Kelly made some yummie cake (mmm cake). Ed showed me the books he had brought over from his old place already and offered to let me borrow a bunch of them, yay! Everyone also convinced me to play poker, which I had never bothered to learn. We play for money, but it’s only $1 each, so it’s just enough to make it somewhat exciting. Well, armed with the list of hands I could have I tried to play. I lost pretty quickly, so much for beginner’s luck! Still fun though, after I lost I got to play the dealer, yay! We ended up leaving around midnight because we were both a bit tired.

Once home I crawled into bed and started reading the copy of Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett that I borrowed. I got about 30 pages into it before I realized I should probably go to sleep. Starting out great though. I’m not yet finished with The Metaphysical Club, but it’s getting a bit deep, (not hard to read really, I’m just not retaining as much as I’d like to at this point) so I need a break. I did a google search for “Good Omens” this morning, and apparently there has been a bit of planning around getting it made into a movie, along with plenty of rumors that production is stalled, or it’s never going to happen. Sigh. Why does this always happen with the coolest movies? At least HHGTTG is actually futher along in production than it’s ever been in it’s 20-some odd years of the idea existing.

Today… well it’s only supposed to get up to about 75, which is the lowest and nicest temp on the immediate forecast, so I am probably going to take advantage of it and start some planting of veggies in my garden.

Now I’m going to go pull Michael and Caligula out of bed *yawn* maybe make some coffee. *wanders off*