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The party.

Yesterday began pretty slow, I read for a while and I’m very close to being finished with Ender’s Shadow, which is turning out to be really great. It takes place parallel to Ender’s Game from the point of view of another character. I was worried they’re be a lot of annoying overlap of the story but there really isn’t, and when the old stuff is rehashed it’s interesting to see it from another perspective.

Later in the afternoon we headed over to ‘s (Ed’s) for the wedding celebration for him and his wife Kelly. came down from Boston to join us, and brought along his girlfriend , who was a real pleasure to meet. They’re staying with mct and Nita, so of course they were there too, and Nita’s sister Dessica and her new husband. There was a lot of family of Ed and Kelly there, and of course Kelly’s friends, so plenty of people I didn’t know, so I pretty much stuck with the ones I did. Kelly did a great job with everything, lots of food and drinks and everything. We had cake and got to watch their wedding video, and just hung out and talked a lot. Had a really nice time. Since Ed will be selling his house soon, Michael suggested that we get up on the roof and watch the sun set, Darxus climbed up, then Michael, and then noticing how easy it would be I climbed up as well.

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, , Kelly, , , , mct, Nita, Dessica

Most of the people had left by 9, so we figured we should get going, but then mct and Nita suggested we go back to their place and watch some movies. So we decided to meet at their place after stopping at home to get changed (we wore shorts, and it was a bit chilly yesterday). We grabbed some snacks and headed over to mct’s and Nita’s. Ended up watching Coupling that Michael had on his laptop. Nita made lots of fruity drinks. I didn’t really feel drunk, but I guess that’s just because we were hanging out and watching TV instead of sitting around and talking. We left their place around 2 because we were all getting tired.

Today I’m not sure what we’re doing. Maybe we’ll finally get around to painting %) *wanders off*