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Caligula recovering, stitches out, yahoo vs gmail

We picked up Caligula from the vet last night around 6:30. I didn’t realize that I recognised Caligula’s meow until then, when they were bringing him up the hallway and I heard his little mew and I knew that was my kitty. Poor guy was all sleepy and out of it. He certainly wasn’t happy about where he was. He did good though, and the vet tech said they had a nice day with him because it’s such a treat to have a rare type of kitty staying there. We brought him home and it seemed he was still recovering from the ketamine. Last night he spent the entire night sleeping in our bed with us.

This morning we got up and Michael brought me to the doctor’s office at 10. I had my stitches removed, and it didn’t hurt at all! The doctor was impressed with how quickly it’s healed up, and how good the stitches were put in. It bled a bit when he took one out (pulled some scar tissue with it) so he told me it’d be good to put Neosporin on it for a few more days. Yay my whole ordeal is finished and as positively as it possibly could be!

I’ve spent a lot of time downstairs with Caligula today. When we got back from the doctor’s he was coughing a little, and his purr and meow were a bit weird, like he was congested. His eyes were a bit teary and he was sleepy too. Of course I got all worried and called the vet %) She assured me that it’s not terribly uncommon for that to happen since he’s still working the ketamine out of his system. As long as he’s sounding better tomorrow we should be fine. It’s still hard to hear my poor kitty all congested and gooey-eyed %(

Froozy Caligula

I logged into Yahoo! this morning to check on the settings of a Yahoo! Group I’m maintaining for a project, and I was surprised by Yahoo’s new mail login, and what’s this… 100 mb of space? Hah! Spooked by gmail it seems. Now that invites for gmail are all over the place it seems that Yahoo is afraid of not being everyone’s favorite portal. I admit that I’ve had, and used my Yahoo! account since 1999, and I have generally been pleased with it’s portal options, I have My Yahoo! all customized, and sometimes it’s just easier to look there. But Google News is quite nice, and I’m using Yahoo stuff less and less. But this sparked my interest in Yahoo’s plans, I found this article which seems to indicate that Yahoo! will begin cycling dormant yahoo accounts so that people can use them once again. That’s pretty cool of them. It’s interesting that advertising on a free email account can pay for 100 mb of storage per user, I’ve certainly never clicked one of their ads.

Now I’m going to go spend some time with my kitty. *wanders off*