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Cleaning gutters, Moody Monkey, The Washing Machine, Munch

It’s Caligula’s 6 month “birthday” today. We gave him some kitty milk this morning to celebrate.

I hope he enjoyed it all, tomorrow he goes in to be neutered.

Michael cleaned the gutters yesterday, I helped a little by holding the ladder and bringing the hose around. The gutters had these “gutter guards” which we discovered to have many uses:

1. Providing a home for mean bugs
2. Making sure water doesn’t get into the gutters
3. Providing a wonderful sunless environment for all sorts of interesting ecosystems

So these gutter guards suck. They made the gutters completely useless in the job they were intended for. There would be so much junk that did get through the guards that the water would simply run off them and land on our heads while we left the house. I think the bugs were the most annoying discovery of all. From now on we’re going to keep our gutters the old fashioned way! Keeping them open and cleaning them yearly. It’s not a huge house, and our ladder can quite easily reach every gutter that needs to be cleaned.

Last night my head was feeling ok, so we decided to go to the Moody Monkey with , Kelly and a friend of Kelly’s. I had a nice time talking with them, and although the service was pretty lousy their beer list was extensive, and even included a bunch of belgians. I ended up getting some Lindeman’s Framboise (a raspberry lambic) which they had on tap, it’s always so wonderful to find places that have it on tap. It was close to 9:30 when the pain in my head started coming back (probably moving my face a lot while laughing or something) and I poked Michael and told him we should get going so I could put some ice on my head (which I had been instructed to do “4 times a day for the first 3 days”). Just before leaving the restaurant I noticed that a bit of the lambic had dripped onto my lovely NRAO t-shirt, seems our lousy waitress had neglected to wipe the bottom of my glass before serving it *sigh*

When I got home I scrubbed the shirt a bit and then started a load of laundry. The washing machine was acting weird, it kept stopping at the wrong points, just was having tons of trouble. This morning I checked it and it never even finished the load. So Michael decided to take a look at it. And he was able to fix it %D! Yay! I was a bit worried that the old thing was dying (as if we needed another unplanned expense this week!). No worries though, I was able to do laundry without trouble today. Right after fixing the washer, he decided to take a look at the dryer, which had a bit of a squealing problem, and he was able to bring down the noise it makes a lot.

Munch (the Oddworld name we decided on for the fish, suggested by n-tropy) is eating now, yay! So hopefully he’ll survive. He’s very scared though, he’ll swim around and be a happy fish while we’re not around (or he thinks we’re not around) but as soon as one of us walks by his tank he retreats into hiding behind his castle. Silly fish, hopefully he’ll grow out of it once he’s more used to living with us.

That’s about it. *wanders off*