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e-volution audio launched! Bitlbee, and “fitness water”

First of all, we finally got e-volutionaudio.com up on the web. This is pretty exciting, it’s a project that Steve, Evan and I have been working on for a couple months. It’s going to be a radio show website, our team will be writing radio “screenplays” and then having our group of professional voice actors (who actually do commercials and stuff!) preform the stories for us. And of course all sorts of fun sound effects and everything. I’ve always been interested in this sort of radio show, used to have tapes of “old time shows” of horror, and drama, and mystery when I lived at home. Writing for one is fun too, I will get to see my story come alive!

What we need now are more writers. Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Drama. Any stories that would adapt well into a 20-60 minute audio play. We need people who can write stories, and people who can adapt stories into screenplay, and people who’d be happy just writing original stories AS screenplays. So spread the word! It’s a good way for both e-volution audio and the writers to be promoted.

I was sitting in a LUG channel on freenode this morning and I gave a gmail invite to one of the guys there. Email conversation got into what mail clients we used, that got into one guy mentioning that he used MS Outlook (hey you’re in a LUG channel buddy!), then us being like “omgz h8 @ M$” and then mentioning Instant Messangers. I used to use AIM and Yahoo! all the time, but somewhere along the way I started disliking them. I completely stopped using Yahoo! And over the past year or so I stopped using AIM for the most part. It just got to be annoying and distracting. I think it’s partly a psychological thing, I have conditioned myself to ignore IRC when I have stuff to do, but I can’t do that with IMs. IMs interrupt what I’m doing, and then if I take a while to respond people get all annoyed with me. So I just keep it off, problem solved.

Well one of the guys in the channel suggested I try bitlbee. It’s pretty cool, there are public servers which interact with the instant messaging services for you so you can have IM in IRC (they say AOL, ICQ, Yahoo!, Jabber and MSN work). I tried it out with AIM today. I was very very impressed at first, getting all excited about it because it really is just like another IRC server, the directions were very helpful and good, I really didn’t have any problems once I stripped HTML from the messages.

Then this afternoon I ran into some trouble. From what people tell me, AOL allows users to sign up with a space in their name (what were they thinking?). Well bitlbee doesn’t like this much, and gives me all sorts of errors. I’ll need to dig into this a bit more and see if there are fixes, because otherwise this really isn’t going to work out. Sigh… I was so excited too.

Or maybe I could just ignore people who decide to sign up with stupid spaces in their names!

I worked on my garden a bit today. Turns out that I’m really bad at moving plants %\ But I was able to clean up a bunch of weeds and move a few plants.

This afternoon I decided to go for a walk. I walked into town and brought a couple dollars worth of rolled pennies that had been sitting in my desk for over a year and took them to the bank. Then I took this free Propel Fitness Water coupon I got in the mail to the store to redeem it. Let me tell you a story about Propel. It sucks. Take everything good about flavored water, and everything good about real water, remove it, and give you a nasty sugary water tasting bottle of nastiness. I don’t know what they are thinking. I guess because I’m such a fan of real water that I can’t understand why people would want “special water with sucrose syrup.” It wasn’t refreshing at all after my walk, I dumped most of it out and got a glass of real water.

That’s it for now *wanders off*