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I got 7 stitches just above my left eyebrow last night.

The short story: It was late, the bathroom floor was wet, I slipped and hit my head on the bathroom floor.

the long story: Our new fish wasn’t doing so well, so after getting home from the philly chix meeting Michael decided to change a bunch of the water in the tank (maybe we had been overzealous preparing the water? maybe some of the funk from the radiators was still in the hose when we filled the tank up?). It was my job to get Caligula out from under his feet, so I went to play with him in our bedroom. Around 11 I got tired and decided it was time to go to bed, but I had a little bit of a sinus headache (oh the irony), so I got up to get some advil. I didn’t have my glasses on, and was in my pajamas in a sleepy mood, and when I stepped into the bathroom I slipped and fell on the slimey floor.

Head hit, scraped my elbow, bruised my knee. At first I felt ok, put my hand to my head and Michael came in and was like “Oh my god! You need to go to the hospital!” I told him that I thought I felt ok. He told me I’d need stitches, and I nearly cried because I’d never had stitches before, tried to insist that I was fine. Then I felt nauseated and dizzy, when I got up to put some normal clothes on I nearly fainted so I had to sit down. Michael was running around grabbing things so we would be ready at the hospital, we scrapped the getting dressed idea, didn’t bother to wash off any blood (it was still bleeding, head wounds are evil like that). So I went in my pajamas. A few minutes after I got in the car my nauseated feeling went away, a few more minutes later I noticed that my elbow was hurting, then the cut on my head made itself known and that hurt a bit.

We got to the hospital and mostly just waited. We were there from about 11:30pm til 2:30 am. Everyone was quite nice, but having the shot for the local anesthetic didn’t feel nice, that was the first time in the whole ordeal that I cried, and said to the doctor “That doesn’t numb, that hurts!” The doctor was asking me star wars trivia when he was putting the stitches in (I had a ROTJ t-shirt on). I was tired and not really in the mood for that *sigh* Still it wasn’t an altogether horrible experience.

I never did get to see my cut while it was open, good thing too because I probably would have gotten sick if I looked at it right after it happened (when I was still feeling nauseated), and although I was curious I’m sure it would have hurt more if I knew how bad it really was.

Other stuff happened yesterday too, had my regular doctor’s appointment in the morning, went to work with Michael because it was silly to drive home, had the PhillyChix meeting in the evening (don’t really feel up to getting pictures off the camera right now).

I graduated high school 5 years ago today. I was going to write a rambling entry about where I’ve been these 5 years. But I don’t feel like it now. The numbing from ice I put on my head earlier is wearing off, and the advil isn’t doing much for the pain, so I’m going to go lie down and watch movies all day or something. Going to lie down now. *wanders off*