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Rediscovering love for RPGs via Kingdom Hearts

I started playing Kingdom Hearts last night ( let me borrow it last weekend). And I must say, wow!

kingdom heartsBefore Kingdom Hearts was released, a close friend of mine was always sending me screenshots and I got pretty excited about it. Then I picked up Final Fantasy X, because I loved Final Fantasy games, they are a majority of my PS(2) game collection. I played about 6 hours into FFX and completely lost interest. Not just losing interest in FFX, but all of Final Fantasy, and all RPGs! I stopped playing video games often, mostly just when a new game came out or when I was at LAN parties. I figured it was because I had “grown out of” gaming, something that was pretty sad for me to admit. I simply assumed that FFX just happened to be the game I was playing when the love for gaming spark left my life, I didn’t think it had anything to do with the game itself

So last night when I put Kingdom Hearts into my PS2 I didn’t expect to be swept off my feet. I started playing through the intro, got to start playing the game and realized that I was having a blast! Each time a new Final Fantasy or Disney character came on the screen I’d get excited. I’m playing with all my most favorite toon characters! This is wonderful!

I quickly realized that it wasn’t gaming and RPGs that I was sick of, it was the complexity around games like Final Fantasy X. It was the stupid sphere system that I despised. I like Final Fantasy for it’s story and it’s characters and battles, FFX took the leveling up and abilities complexity too far. And I HATED blitzball, so that part of the game was a serious drag for me. I don’t want to devote my life to a game just to finish it, I want to sit back and play, to enjoy it, to fall in love with the characters. Kingdom Hearts is great for that, since I already hold a special place for these characters. *wanders off*